Corinth Object: KV 433
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   KV 433
Category:   Pottery
Category Code:   KV
Object Number:   433
Description:   Very small miniature oinochoe. Trefoil mouth, high swung strap handle, wide ovoid body, flat base.
Decoration:   Black handle, mouth, and neck. Black line, broken meander, and black line on shoulder.
Material:   Fine very pale brown clay. No visible inclusions.
Munsell Color:   10YR 8/2 (very pale brown)
Condition:   Complete or intact. Intact vessel
Weight Description:   .003
Weight:   .003
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Potters' Quarter. Circular stele shrine.
Bibliography:   Stillwell & Benson 1984, Corinth 15.3, p. 321
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece