Corinth Object: MF 11179
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 11179
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   11179
Description:   Terracotta solid handmade standing female wearing applied clay strip turban-like polos pinched in back into tail, folded over pinched angular face, broad curving outward neck, boad shoulders, coil arms attached across chest and shoulder extending along sides, rt arm bent at elbow, convex chest tapering at waist into flat body. Similar to MF-10549 and Potters' Quarter Class KT1 but no close parallels (Corinth XV.2 Class I p. 25-42 pl. 1-5).
Decoration:   Black paint on polos, horizontal bands across chest, arms, body, back of shoulders, and vertical line along back.
Material:   Fine very pale brown clay with rare fine spherical angular voids
Munsell Color:   Clay: 10R 7/4 (very pale brown), Paint: 10R 4/1 (dark gray)
Condition:   Fragment. Single piece preserving head to waist and part of lt leg. Broken across knees and along rt side to waist. Arms broken off at rt elbow and lt at upper arm. Traces of paint.
Manufacture:   F01 F HM
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.046, W. 0.031, Th. 0.010-0.012
Period:   Classical
Chronology:   stylistically 6th-4th c. B.C.
Area:   Kokkinovrysi
Context:   NB256 B1 P94
Provenance:   Corinth
Site:   Kokkinovrysi
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Kokkinovrysi