Corinth Object: MF 14022
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 14022
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   14022
Description:   Figurine of draped standing female comic actor. Figure stands with bent left arm jutting outwards, resting hand on hip. Slightly distended belly, unworked, flat, pared back. Draped in long himation (likely over chiton). Hollow. Mouldmade with tooling on back. Similar to KT 5-20 (Stillwell 1952, Corinth 15.2, cat. 20), MF-14019 (Merker 2000, Corinth 18.4, cat. H357), and MF-14025 (Merker 2000, Corinth 18.4, cat. H359). Also similar to Athens 6070 (1198; P-304), Athens 5850, London 1951.7-31.1, and Amsterdam 261.
Decoration:   White slip.
Material:   Fine reddish yellow clay with rare medium to small spherical sub-rounded brown inclusions.
Munsell Color:   7.5YR 7/6 (reddish yellow)
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., preserving torso; missing head, right arm, legs, and feet. Very worn. Traces of white slip on left side.
Manufacture:   F08 F CO
Period:   4th c. B.C.
Chronology:   based on style
Bibliography:   Merker 2000, Corinth 18.4, cat. H358
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Merker, Corinth 18:4, 2000