Corinth Object: MF 8809
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 8809
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   8809
Description:   Hollow rectangular portable altar with figural decoration on side panel(s).
Decoration:   Seated figures type. Two seated figures facing left in relief. Only two folds of drapery outlined in black and the edge of a stool outlined in black survive of the left figure. Trunk and legs of right figure survive, draped in a solid black garmet. \upper body may twist frontally with upraised proper right arm (painted red), may be holding black staff. Stool outlined in red. Background is left in reserve.
Material:   Buff clay with numerous reddish brown inclusions. Fired pinker at core. Moderately thick fine slip.
Munsell Color:   7.5YR 8/4 (surface), 5YR 7/6 (core)
Condition:   Fragment. Two joining fragments preserving the central part of a side panel decorated in relief. Interior surface preserved.
Manufacture:   Moldmade
Dimensions Preserved:   L. 0.077; H. 0.056; Th. 0.02
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Forum South Central, surface find
Bibliography:   Hesperia 1950, p. 374, pl. 110D left; Lisle, Cults of Corinth (Johns Hopkins PhD) 1955, p. 24, Fn. 204.
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Notebook Page: NB 195, spread 9 (pp. 9 - 10)