Corinth Object: S 1125
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 1125
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   1125
Description:   Head and right arm originally doweled on. Weight on right leg, right arm originally raised. Figure wears cuirass over tunic, paludamentum hangs down from left shoulder. Gorgon head and two small ornaments near nipples are only decoration on cuirass. Belt around waist and tied in front, ends arranged like an M. Long flaps at end of cuirass with no fringe.
Material:   Pantelic marble.
Condition:   Missing parts. Lacks head, both arms below shoulders, legs from just above the knees.
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 1.15
Period:   1 st c. A.C.
Chronology:   Johnson, Corinth IX, no. 141 p.79
Context:   NB79 P407
Bibliography:   Johnson(1931) Corinth IX no. 141 p.79, Ridgway(1981), Hesperia L, p 434
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Images (7)
Notebook Page: NB 79, spread 9 (pp. 406 - 407)