"UserLevel","Id","dc-subject","dc-title","Collection","Type","Redirect","dc-creator","Name","dc-date","Icon","dc-publisher","dc-description","Chronology" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-2-81","","BMC, I, pp. 279-283, 199-232","Agora","PublicationPage","","","Agora 2, s. 81, p. 71","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-2-81::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 002/Agora 002 081 (71).png::1438::2048","","Agora 2","659-664 A.D.; 663-666 A.D.; 665-666 A.D.; 641-656 A.D.; 659-660 A.D.; 659-668 A.D.; 668-685 A.D.; 668-669 A.D.; 670-680 A.D.; 685-695 A.D.; 698-705 A.D.; 700 A.D.; 705-711 A.D.; 705 A.D.; 710 A.D.; 711-713 A.D.; 713-716 A.D.; 717-741 A.D." "","Agora:Coin:N 15775","Coins | By Subject | Historical Persons | Constans II","Byzantine Coin","Agora","Coin","","Syracuse","N 15775","11 April 1951","Agora:Image:2017.13.0019::/Agora/2017/2017.13/2017.13.0019.tif::7323::3543","Constans II","Φόλλις: Κώνστας ΙΙ 641 668 μ.Χ.","659-668 A.D." "","Corinth:Coin:1937 39","","Byzantine Copper/Bronze Follis of Constantine IV, Sicily Mint (AD 668 - AD 669)","Corinth","Coin","","Sicily","1937 39","","Corinth:Image:digital 2010 0211::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2010 season photos/2010_0211.jpg::1800::1031","Constantine IV","AE","AD 668 - AD 669" "","Corinth:Coin:1929 199","","Greek Imperial/Roman Provincial Copper/Bronze Coin of Augustus, Thessalonika Mint (27 BC - AD 14)","Corinth","Coin","","Thessalonika","1929 199","","Corinth:Image:bw 1979 039 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1979_039/1979_st_039_012.jpg::1800::1197","Augustus","AE","27 BC - AD 14" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-26-210","","The Athenian Agora; Volume 26; The Greek Coins; Non Athenian Coins; Macedonia; Philippoi; ca. 27 B.C.-A.D. 68","Agora","PublicationPage","","","Agora 26, s. 210, p. 184","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-26-210::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 026/Agora 026 210 (184).png::1495::2048","","Agora 26","" "","Agora:NotebookPage:ΩΔ-3-52","","Well in East Part of Cavea","Agora","NotebookPage","","","ΩΔ-3-52 (pp. 495-496)","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΩΔ-3-52::/Agora/Notebooks/ΩΔ/ΩΔ 003/ΩΔ 003 052 (0495-0496).jpg::2048::1646","","ΩΔ-3","" "","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:1625","Red Figured And White Ground | Cups | Type Uncertain","","Agora","Object","","","Agora XXX, no. 1625","","","","Floor fragment with start of stem. Part of surface pitted. Max. dim. 0.082. H. A. Thompson, Hesperia 23, 1954, pl. 15:d.; ; I, symposiast (head, shoulders, upper part of left arm, both legs from the knee down missing) reclining to left. He is clothed in a himation from the waist down and holds a cup with an offset lip in his left hand and something else in his right that looks like a stick with his thumb overlapping the top of the shaft. At the top of the fragment is a basket hanging on the wall. Preliminary sketch. Relief contour. Red: tassels of basket.; ; For a symposiast with a stick, but not holding it, see Göttingen, no no. by the Antiphon Painter (Paralip. 362, 9 ter; Addenda 218); Berlin 2286 by the Triptolemos Painter (ARV2 365, 59; Addenda 223); two by the Foundry Painter: Kassel T 664 (ARV2 401, 10 bis; Paralip. 370, 10 bis) and Christchurch, N.Z., Univ. of Canterbury 17 (ARV2 403, 34; Paralip. 370, 34); two by the Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy: Toronto 357 (ARV2 419, 34) and Seattle 20.35 (ARV2 420, 62); Munich 2646 by Douris (ARV2 437, 128; Paralip. 375, 128; Addenda 239; Buitron-Oliver, Douris, p. 83, cat. no. 173, pl. 96).","Ca. 500 B.C." "","Agora:Object:I 304","","Block Fragment: Prytany List.","Agora","Object","","","I 304","1933","Agora:Image:2008.16.0059::/Agora/2008/2008.16/2008.16.0059.tif::2037::2895","","Fragment from inscribed block.; The inscribed surface shows a slight horizontal curve.; Parts of twenty-two lines of the inscription preserved; non-stoichedon.; Pentelic marble.",""