"dc-description","dc-creator","dc-date","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-title","Id" "Use filling of middle of 1st to late 6th c. (Roman Group M); dumped filling of 9th and 10th c. Down to a depth of about 21.00m. the fill of the well contained very few objects, the latest of them being of the early Byzantine period (10th c. A.D.?). At 21.00m. there was a sudden change and very late Roman objects began to appear in great numbers.; ; See nbp. 786 for a note on the disposition of some uncatalogued material into a modern well.","","13 March-15 April 1937","1st-6th c. A.D.","M 17:1","FixChildren","Agora:Image:2000.02.0978::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0978.tif::2029::1317","","Deposit","Agora","","","Well","Agora:Deposit:M 17:1" "Fillings associated with early houses on the lower north slopes of the Areopagus; various levels and dates. ; ; Both houses were built in the 6th century B.C. and destroyed by the Persians; both also have later histories. ; Southwest House, Rooms I-VIII, 42-55/ΚΖ-ΜΖ:; The earliest house had a court on the west with a Well (B) and two small rooms at the north. A pit at 54/ΛΓ (M 17:7) served the area and a good water pipe... The latest period of the house is the Herulian destruction.; Central House, Rooms IX-XI, 42-55/ΙΖ-ΚΖ; ; From 1957 excavations of these houses see P 25888, P 25895, L 5298.","","12-21 April 1957; 22 July 1957; 12-21 March 1958; 7 April-13 May 1958; 17-20 June 1958","6rd c. B.C.-3rd c. A.D.","L-M 17-18:1","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Southwest House and Central House (1958)","Agora:Deposit:L-M 17-18:1" "Well East of Stoa Room 6 (well with Siana Cup); scanty dumped filling.; ; No water. Well never used.","","5-9 May 1950","600-550 B.C.","R 11:2","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Well East of Stoa Room 6","Agora:Deposit:R 11:2" "Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios.","","23 March-20 May 1936; 5-16 May 1937","50 B.C-3rd c. A.D.","B 12:1","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","Agora:Deposit:B 12:1" "Well at 45/Θ (Skytha Well) near the north side of the market square. No period of use was distinguished, since it was impossible to clear the well to the bottom. The considerable quantity of dumped filling included red-figure and black glaze, semi-glaze kitchen-ware, and coarse cooking ware and storage jars.","","12 May-13 June 1951","Ca. 460-440 B.C.","N 7:3","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Skytha Well","Agora:Deposit:N 7:3" "Well A, early 5th c. B.C. Near the Agora Boundary Stone, northwest corner of Middle Stoa; diameter at top 0.92m, widening to 1.15m and more below. Shaft neatly faced with stones to a depth of 0.70m below well cut in bedrock to about 1m from the bottom, where it narrows from ca. 1.15m to ca. 0.70m. Sides coated with heavy water deposit, suggesting some length for the POU; modern water level at 1.75m.; ; Period of Use and Upper dumped fills dated to ca. 520-480 B.C. in Agora XXX.; ; A 2296, A 2345, T 3270 and T 3271 from the dump and without subdivisions.","","24 March 1953; 20 April-6 May 1953","Ca. 520-480 B.C.","H 12:15","","Agora:Image:1997.09.0098::/Agora/1997/1997.09/1997.09.0098.tif::915::689","","Deposit","Agora","","","Well","Agora:Deposit:H 12:15" "N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. ; Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road running out of the square and of the stoa that bordered it to the north; explanatory cut at the west boundary of the excavated area.; No subdivisions are given but the layers are dated over the three areas as follows:; Area of Road:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st-2nd c. A.D.; Layer III-IV: 1st c. A.D.; Layer V-VI: 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.; Layer VII-VIII: 3rd-early 4th c. B.C.; Area of Stoa:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st c. A.D. (?); Layer III: 1st c. B.C.; Layer IV: 4th-3rd c. B.C.; Layer V-VIII: 4th c. B.C.; Layer IX: late 5th-first half 4th c. B.C.; Layer X: 6th-5th c. B.C., Geometric; Layer XI-XVIII: prehistoric to Neolithic (?); Area North of Stoa:; Layer I: early Roman; Layer II: late 3rd-early 4th c. A.D.; Layer III-VI: 4th c. B.C.; Layer VII: early 5th c. B.C.; Layer VIII: 5th c. B.C., Geometric, Helladic; Layer IX: Late-Middle Helladic; ; See also cut on 20m. line (F-G 3:1).","","7 March-1 April 1939","Prehistoric to Roman","E-F 2-3:2","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Fill","Agora:Deposit:E-F 2-3:2" "Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","","","To ca. 180 B.C.","H-K 12-14","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","Middle Stoa Building Fill","Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14"