"dc-description","Icon","Type","Id","dc-date","Collection","dc-title","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel" "Fill and floor surface (at el. 85.114). Late 13th c. pottery date.","","Lot","Corinth:Lot:LOT 1309","","Corinth","Room J","","","LOT 1309","","","","" "","","Lot","Agora:Lot:ΛΛ 70","10 May 1937","Agora","Greek Deposit 114/ΜΕ; Road Upper Strosis","4th - 3rd B.C.","","ΛΛ 70","From Annotation","","","" "","","Lot","Agora:Lot:ΚΚ 114","2 Apr 1936","Agora","Houses; House A; Floor East of Channel B","Protogeometric-6th B.C.","","ΚΚ 114","From Annotation","","","" "","","Lot","Agora:Lot:ΟΟ 114","18 Jun 1947","Agora","Under Drain C; On Level with Heavy Burning; Should be Same as Above","Early Roman","","ΟΟ 114","From Annotation","","","" "","","Lot","Agora:Lot:ΒΔ 114","30 Jun 1970","Agora","Greek House γ; Robbing Trench of East-West Wall between Rooms 3 and 4","4th B.C.","","ΒΔ 114","From Annotation","","","" "","","Lot","Agora:Lot:Ω 114","26 May 1938","Agora","House D; Room 5a; Road Fill Across Line of North Wall, Fill 3","Late 5th B.C.","","Ω 114","From Annotation","","","" "Dismantling of wall 38; pottery date of mid-13th c. AC","","Lot","Corinth:Lot:LOT 2295","","Corinth","Agora SW Section K","","","LOT 2295","","","","" "Same as T 114.","","Lot","Agora:Lot:Ω 145","8 June 1938","Agora","Ancient Street in Eastern Half of Section; Fill 1","Late 5th B.C.","","Ω 145","From Annotation","","",""