"Type","Icon","dc-description","dc-publisher","dc-subject","Chronology","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-title","Collection","Redirect","dc-date","Id","Name" "Deposit","Agora:Image:2007.04.0047::/Agora/2007/2007.04/2007.04.0047.tif::3040::2008","Pyre in Room 8 of Roman House H. Concentration of artifacts, bone, and flecks of carbon in stratum, no pit discerned. the pyre lay within a red fill apparently contemporary with it, but with some later intrusions; no trace of a floor above it survives. The stratigraphy around the pyre could not be related to the architectural history of the house, though the date allows association with the reconstruction of the house near 300. The pottery shows traces of burning.","","","300-290 B.C.","","","Pyre in Room 8 of Roman House H","Agora","","13 May 1971","Agora:Deposit:Q 20:4","Q 20:4" "Deposit","","Well 19: Latest Mycenaean. Near Klepsydra. Diameter mouth 1.25-1.35m., narrowing about a third of the way down and becoming rectangular, 0.90-1.0 to a side. Muddy at m; water collecting rapidly at 8.m.; Three strata in filling; no pottery joins between them. Lowest 0.50, very few sherds; all identifiable are Fountain types or earlier. Above, two dumped strata of domestic debris, storage pithoi, architectural fragments, quantities of stones from walls (in upper), grindstones; commonest and latest pottery post-fountain.; Opened probably while the fountain was still in use, serving the region within the Pelargikon, as the fountain served the Acropolis. Perhaps used for some time, but kept clean. Closed deliberately as a part of a general clean-up of squatters' dwellings or warehouses, probably following a shift in population from the congested citadel area to the open and now secure areas below it.; Contemporary Agora wells O 8:5; H 12:10.","","","Late Mycenaean","","","Latest Mycenaean Well C in OA","Agora","","5-28 April 1939","Agora:Deposit:U 26:4","U 26:4" "Deposit","","Fill in abandoned cistern, lower terrace adjacent yo the Eleusinion on the north.; Uncatalogued material: 189 sherds, 4 objects.","","","Mid. 4th c. B.C.","","","Fill in Lower Terrace of Abandoned Cistern","Agora","","29 June- 1 July 1959","Agora:Deposit:T 18:5","T 18:5"