"dc-title","dc-creator","Id","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Name","UserLevel","Chronology","Icon","dc-date","dc-description","Redirect","dc-subject" "","","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:1180","","Object","Agora","Agora XXX, no. 1180","","Early 4th century B.C.","","","Part of spout and top side. Thin brownish glaze on inside; on outside, reddish brown in places. Max. dim. 0.07.; ; On one side, a duck or swan (part of head and wing) to right; on the other, a panther (part of head and chest, raised right foreleg) to left.; ; For a feline combined with a duck or swan on the top side of an askos, see Oxford 329 (CVA, Oxford 1 [Great Britain 3], pl. 45 [137]:9); Karlsruhe B 280 (CVA, Karlsruhe 1 [Deutschland 7], pl. 29 [327]:8); Bryn Mawr P-1000 (CVA, Bryn Mawr 1 [USA 13], pl. 40 [620]:7); Rennes D.08.2.33 (CVA, Rennes 1 [France 29], pl. 26 [1309]:1, 2): there the feline may be a griffin, for it has a projection on its muzzle [A.-F. Laurens and O. Touchefeu in CVA, p. 30]); Berlin ""F 43""; Nicosia inv. 1965/II-2/1 (BCH 90, 1966, p. 310, fig. 29); Ferrara inv. 37399 = T.713 A (Massei, Gli askoi . . . Spina, p. 155, cat. no. 96, pl. 36:1); Ferrara inv. 15619 = T.434 B (Massei, p. 187, cat. no. 117, pl. 49:1); Toledo 76.72 (CVA, Toledo 2 [USA 20], pl. 88 [971]:1--3).","","Red Figured And White Ground | Askoi | Shallow" "Prytany Decree Fragment","","Agora:Object:I 5573","","Object","Agora","I 5573","","193 B.C .","","30 September 1938","Inscribed fragment.; Bottom and left side, picked fairly smooth, preserved.; Along the left side is a band, cut back ca. 0.013m. from the inscribed face and picked.; Eight lines of the inscription preserved.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Part of Prytaneis decree belonging to IG II2, no. 864.; Cf. Hesperia Suppl. 1 (1937), p. 95, no. 46.","",""