"dc-date","Chronology","UserLevel","Name","Redirect","Icon","dc-title","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-creator","Id","Type" "","various levels and dates","","G-I 11-12","","","Investigations in the area of the Tholos","","Investigations in the area around the Tholos, especially to the east and south of the building, between it and the Great Drain, and not otherwise specified as deposits.; ; This ""deposit"" has no form. It is comprised of several trenches in the area of the Tholos, labeled Trench A-Trench BB. Some features in the labeled trenches have separate deposit numbers.; e.g. Road areas in Trenches ; ; It would be appropriate to compare across layers in each trench, matching context dates. This information can be found in the Deposit Notebook as word documents. Herewith the objects are simply listed as found throughout the area within these trenches [pf, VII 2007]","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:G-I 11-12","Deposit" "16-24 May 1937","Late 6th-7th c. A.D.","","D 14:1","","","Well E","Subdivisions:","Nbp. 3104: When dug, the fill of the well divided itself into 3 deposits.; Objects catalogued from the ""earth"" are: L 4838, P 21602, P 21603, P 21604. Dumped filling of Turkish times.","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:D 14:1","Deposit" "","","","U 13:2","","","Fill under room 7, Library of Pantainos Stoa","","Fill under Room 7, library of Pantainos Stoa coin deposit; ; I. Packing beneath original floor.ca. 100 A.D. (Floor A); II. Packing beneath second major floor. ca. 125-130 A.D. or later (Floor D)","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:U 13:2","Deposit" "9-11 May 1953; 11 June 1953","Ca. 420-400 B.C. and earlier","","O 16:1-2","","","Construction Filling","","South Stoa I: 75-76/ΚΗ-Λ South Shop Building Layer g (O 16:1) and South Stoa I: Stony Fill below floor level (O 16:2). (merged from O 16:1 and O 16:2)","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:O 16:1-2","Deposit" "7 March-1 April 1939","Prehistoric to Roman","","E-F 2-3:2","","","Fill","","N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. ; Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road running out of the square and of the stoa that bordered it to the north; explanatory cut at the west boundary of the excavated area.; No subdivisions are given but the layers are dated over the three areas as follows:; Area of Road:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st-2nd c. A.D.; Layer III-IV: 1st c. A.D.; Layer V-VI: 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.; Layer VII-VIII: 3rd-early 4th c. B.C.; Area of Stoa:; Layer I: 2nd-3rd c. A.D.; Layer II: 1st c. A.D. (?); Layer III: 1st c. B.C.; Layer IV: 4th-3rd c. B.C.; Layer V-VIII: 4th c. B.C.; Layer IX: late 5th-first half 4th c. B.C.; Layer X: 6th-5th c. B.C., Geometric; Layer XI-XVIII: prehistoric to Neolithic (?); Area North of Stoa:; Layer I: early Roman; Layer II: late 3rd-early 4th c. A.D.; Layer III-VI: 4th c. B.C.; Layer VII: early 5th c. B.C.; Layer VIII: 5th c. B.C., Geometric, Helladic; Layer IX: Late-Middle Helladic; ; See also cut on 20m. line (F-G 3:1).","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:E-F 2-3:2","Deposit" "2-11 May 1935","1st or 2nd c. A.D.","","F-G 10-11.2","","","Bouleuterion Plateia Layer II","","Accumulated filling over Bouleuterion Plateia, Layer II.","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:F-G 10-11.2","Deposit" "18 May-10 June 1937","Late 2nd-early 6th c. A.D.","","G 11:2","","","Well in Cistern to West of Tholos","","May be of Hellenistic origin when cistern system went out of use. ; For a general note on the cistern see Nb. ΟΕ III, pp. 246 ff.; ; Objects from B 586 various depths (no subdivision): S 2324-S 2330, ; P 34894, P 34898.; Objects from the Dump (no subdivision): P 10775, P 34895.; Containers representing various depths (no subdivision): Β 586, 587.","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:G 11:2","Deposit" "22-23 June 1965","Early 4th c. B.C.","","I 13:2","","","Backfill of Demolition of Great Monument beneath Middle Stoa","","Backfill of demolition of Great Monument beneath Middle Stoa.; [Soft pit below Layer II of south aisle (=fill of early ""Great Drain"")]","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:I 13:2","Deposit"