"dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator","Name","Chronology","Icon","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-title","Id" "Aetopetra is a hill (225x100m) located 3km west of Ancient Corinth, 1.6km east of Longopotamos, on the 92nd km mark of the Athens-Patras highway. Blegen observed pottery (EH, MH, and LH) and house walls on the surface at the southern part of the flat top there. He also believed that the continuation of a Mycenaean road recorded by Steffen (Karten von Mykenai 1884) leading south to Kleonai came down the ravine at the mouth of which the site is situated. ; Chatzipouliou-Kalliri (1984) noted surface pottery of N to LH IIIC Early date. Excavations lasting a few days in the summers of 1978 and 1979 produced evidence for EH and MH habitation on the site. EH pottery comes from two bothroi. EH II and III pottery (Dark-on-Light) was excavated. MH house walls and a child burial in a pithos was in the floor of a house. Early and late MH pottery, an assemblage very similar to Korakou (Incised, Grey Minyan, Aiginetan MP, Dark Burnished, MP bichrome slipped and burnished) was excavated.","","","Aetopetra","","Corinth:Image:bw 1999 044 16a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1999_044/1999_st_044_016A.jpg::1800::1180","Corinthia | Penteshouphia | Ancient Corinth, East of | Aetopetra","","Monument","Corinth","","","","Corinth:Monument:Aetopetra"