"Id","Name","dc-date","dc-description","Chronology","Type","Icon","dc-title","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-creator","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-subject" "Agora:Deposit:B 13:7","B 13:7","20 May 1936-20 May 1937","Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios. Stratified deposit.","3rd. c. B.C.-3rd. c. A.D.","Deposit","","Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:R 13:11","R 13:11","30 June-22 July 1975","Tile-lined Well in NE room (R/18,19-13/20).; Homogenous dump.","350-325 B.C.","Deposit","","Tile-Lined Well in NE room (R/18,19-13/20)","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1","A-B 19-20:1","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","4th. c.-86 B.C.","Deposit","","Great Drain South","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:K 12:1","K 12:1","22 March-12 April 1934","Well I: PG, ELS. The collapsed well north of the Middle Stoa Terrace. This pit, or shallow well, into which a Turkish storage pit lined with stones was set, produced purely Proto-Geometric pottery and one Mycenaean figurine.","Protogeometric","Deposit","Agora:Image:2012.38.0246::/Agora/2012/2012.38/2012.38.0246.jpg::2048::1423","Well","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:N 11:4","N 11:4","26 June-3 July 1952","Well (diameter 1.10m).; Neatly cut. Footholds on east and west at intervals of ca. 0.50m. Plentiful water.","Late 8th - Early 7th c. B.C.","Deposit","","Well","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:H 19:1","H 19:1","2-24 May 1939","Dimensions 2.86x1.50x0.70m in depth; stratified fill in rockcut pit (three rockcut steps leading down at one end) which apparently served as a rubbish dump (pottery fragments with carbon and ash).","Ca. 410-250 B.C.","Deposit","","Rockcut Pit","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:J 2:16","J 2:16","24 June 1999","Pyre against north face of polygonal wall, Room 2, Classical Building II. No floor preserved above, but the pyre is below floor level 51.820masl, preserved just to the east and above patchy floor with plaster at ca. 51.70","Ca. 275-260 B.C.","Deposit","Agora:Image:2007.04.0031::/Agora/2007/2007.04/2007.04.0031.tif::3040::2008","Pyre against North Face of Polygonal Wall, Room 2","","Agora","","","","" "Agora:Deposit:F 16:1","F 16:1","20 February-8 March 1932","Cistern at 9/Β (10/Β on plan), at the NW foot of the Areopagus, some 200m to the west of the Coroplast's Dump. It had evidently belonged to one of the small houses in that thickly populated residential area. That sculptors lived near by is attested by the presence in the filling of two unfinished works roughly blocked out of re-used marble. The chamber , lined with the usual waterproof cement, was roughly rectangular at the bottom, measuring north side 1.25m, east side 1.80m., south side 2.06m., west side 1.70m., and reaching a maximum depth of 3.80m.; Fourth century deposit overlaid by late Roman upper fill (cf. T 85, L 379, container 80, not recorded with this deposit and no subdivision given).","Second half 4th c. B.C.","Deposit","","Demeter Cistern","","Agora","","","",""