"Icon","dc-subject","Name","Chronology","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-description","Id","dc-title","Redirect","UserLevel","Collection","Type","dc-publisher" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0222::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0222.tif::961::717","","J 8:1","Myc. IIIA 1:2","Rebecca Wood Robinson","20 April 1951-29 March 1952","Mycenaean Grave C.","Agora:Deposit:J 8:1","Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:1997.17.0313::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0313.tif::900::675","","O 19:6","Early to Middle Roman","","7 April 1938","Roman Pithos at 38/ΛΔ.","Agora:Deposit:O 19:6","Roman Pithos at 38/ΛΔ","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:2007.01.2111::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.2111.tif::2968::2732","From top of well to a level of c. 49.76 masl : gray clay with many small boulders and considerable quantities of pottery.","J 2:4","","","22 July-9 August 1994; 26 June 1995; 3-7 July 1995","Initially uncovered with a diameter of c. 1.05m. Its south side extends under the south wall of the Classical structure and so clearly predates it. The highest preserved portion of the well shaft (at the east) lies at an elevation of 51.03m above sea level. There is no well head, but a small portion of light clay bordering the preserved top of the shaft on the east side might indicate the contemporary ground level. The well is cut through a compact stratum of fill at the top of its the north side; elsewhere it is cut into the gray bedrock. On the south side of the shaft, a lining wall of field stones is preserved from an elevation of 49.44m above sea level; around the rest of the shaft it is preserved from an elevation of 48.99m. It is not clear at exactly what elevation the lining wall originally began, but it seems unlikely that the entire shaft was lined, for the cutting in bedrock for the upper part of the shaft, where it is well preserved on the east side, lies directly above the inner face of the lining wall below. If lined, the upper part of the shaft would have been quite constricted (c. 0.70m.).; We removed only a small portion of the lowest fill when we were compelled to abandon excavation. Because the south side of the well shaft projects beneath the E-W Classical Wall at J/6,7-2/20, we attempted to leave undug the portion of the well fill that underlies that wall. Towards the end of season, the lower portion of that undug fill began to collapse into the shaft. A probe into the fill with an iron crowbar indicates that the fill in the shaft continues for at least another meter and a half.","Agora:Deposit:J 2:4","Archaic Well","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0223::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0223.tif::997::719","","J 8:2","Myc. IIIA","","20-21, 23-24 April 1951, 1 April 1952","Mycenaean Grave F.; It seemed to be more as a collection of bones and offerings, presumably swept aside to make room for later burials; they are east of and slightly higher than children's graves A and B.","Agora:Deposit:J 8:2","Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0224::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0224.tif::1007::731","","J 8:3","Myc. IIIA/B","","20-21 April, 23-25 April 1951, 29 March 1952","Mycenaean Double Grave (Graves A and B).; Grave A was in Layer II. We laid a skull and a few other bones, three vases and a stone bead. We have dug to a maximum of about 0.06m below the top of Layer II. It contained two skeletons.; To the South of Grave A and separated from it by a narrow wall apparently of bedrock, was part of another grave. It contained one skeleton.; All of the pottery and bones in both graves are badly crushed.","Agora:Deposit:J 8:3","Double Pit Grave","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:2012.82.1373::/Agora/2012/2012.82/2012.82.1373.jpg::2048::1388","Archaic-Classical","J-K 2:1","500-470 B.C.","","18-23 July 1996","Dimensions: 1.10m in diameter and 1,36m deep.; It could have been started as a well but then abandoned at a shallow depth (perhaps due to Persian invasion of Athens).","Agora:Deposit:J-K 2:1","Pit","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0350::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0350.tif::467::677","","B 21:5","Ca. 520-525 B.C.","","25 May 1939","Grave VI in notebook = RSY Grave 10.","Agora:Deposit:B 21:5","Inhumation, probably young male","","","Agora","Deposit","" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0334::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0334.tif::279::521","","B 20:4","Ca. 530 B.C.","","15-16 June 1939","Grave XXI in notebook = RSY Grave 11.","Agora:Deposit:B 20:4","Inhumation of a male","","","Agora","Deposit",""