"Id","Redirect","Chronology","dc-creator","Icon","Type","Collection","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-description","dc-title","Name","dc-publisher" "Agora:Object:T 1989","","","","Agora:Image:2012.03.3069::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.3069.tif::2400::3300","Object","Agora","","","April 1939","Complete save minor chips.; The lower part of the figure badly out of proportion. High headdress, hair parted in center at front. ; Pupils and outlines of eyes black; eyeballs white. Under-garment white. A sort of scarf, which crosses on the chest and hangs down over the knees, is red bordered with black. Body more or less cylindrical.; Open below; hole in middle of back. No modelling on back except a few folds of drapery on shoulder. The figure is hollow.","Seated Draped Female Figurine","T 1989","" "Agora:Object:T 4151","","","","Agora:Image:2012.72.1828::/Agora/2012/2012.72/2012.72.1828.jpg::2048::1482","Object","Agora","","","7 August 1974","Broken at top and bottom; most of back missing.; Torso of frontal, draped female seated figure broken at neck and thighs. Arms held against body, bent at elbow with hands placed just below waist. Possible trace of hair falling over left shoulder.; Behind figure there is the upper part of a chair, consisting of a vertical back with a horizontal projection at the top (preserved only in one side) decorated with scrolls. Figurine hollow, back flat, not articulated; possible traces of rectangular opening.; Inside rough.; Traces of added white paint.; Orange to gray fabric.","Seated Draped Female Figurine Fragment","T 4151","" "Corinth:Object:KP 1959","","1st half 5th c. BCE","","","Object","Corinth","Pottery | PQ-Pottery","","1929/04/10; 1928/04/11","Goblet with very deep body and slightly convex sides; high, flaring foot, with convex undersurfacel small, thin round loop handles bent up and attached closely to rim.","GOBLET WITH HORIZONTAL HANDLES","KP 1959","" "Agora:Object:T 109","","","","Agora:Image:2012.77.0426::/Agora/2012/2012.77/2012.77.0426.jpg::1370::2048","Object","Agora","","","7 March 1932","Preserved with neck. End of nose and chin worn, and part of plait (?) broken away, back of head.; Hair parted in the middle, high curly mass leaving the brow triangular. Regular features in oval face. Ears not visible but a thick circular earring marks the spot at lower edge of hair mass on either side. Back of head has practically no modelling, but on left side just above neck is a ridge which may be part of plaits bound about head or of some head covering. Solid at neck. ; Soapy pinkish buff clay.; ; ADDENDA: Traces of something (himation ?) resting on a roll or plait of her, with adhesive glaze. Hair retouched with graver.","Head of Aphrodite Figurine","T 109","" "Agora:Object:I 7050","","","","","Object","Agora","","","23 June 1969","Inscribed fragment.; Broken away at top and right.; Surface much damaged at right.; End of decree. Stoichedon.; Pentelic marble.","Decree Fragment","I 7050","" "Agora:Object:AS 60","","","","Agora:Image:2020.05.0082::/Agora/2020/2020.05/2020.05.0082.tif::2048::2048","Object","Agora","","","16 Mar 1937","Female figurine with drapery over stand with vase at its base. Preserved to just above knees.","Fragment of Statuette of Aphrodite","AS 60","" "Agora:Object:I 8","","","","Agora:Image:2008.16.0019::/Agora/2008/2008.16/2008.16.0019.tif::3920::1915","Object","Agora","","","30 May 1931","Inscribed block of marble, with fourth century dedication.; Smoothed on the front, sides and top; rough picked on back and underneath; in the top, round hole.; Probably a statue base.; Hymmetian marble.; ; ADDENDA For letters forms, cf. IG II, no. 1530, early 4th. century.; For other occurence of name, cf. IG II, nos. 3, 3804b, p. 356.","Base","I 8","" "Agora:Object:Agora XXIX:1215","","350-300?","","","Object","Agora","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Covered Toilet Vessels | Pyxis | Type B | Classical | Lids","","","Single large fragment from top of lid.; ; Dome divided into two zones by raised, reserved band with stamped egg and dart between grooves, with a ridge below. Above dividing band, a kernos sits on a mound, a branch or sheaf of wheat tied to either side (ties visible at bottom of branches). Another branch to left and to right. Below dividing band: bunch of grapes on arched stem. Lustrous black glaze, trace of gilding.; ; For stamped ovolo in this position cf. Kopcke 1964, nos. 1, 6, pp. 26--27, pls. 9:1, 12:1; Kotitsa 1994, pp. 37, 46--47, figs. 47:d, 49. The object on the mound can be identified by comparison to kernoi on coins (Svoronos, pl. 104:21--23) and tokens (IL 646 [Agora X, L 204, pp. 105--106, pl. 26]), which often have branches tied to either side. See also the image incised on the bottom of a Hellenistic lamp (L 1441 [Agora IV, no. 558, p. 138, pl. 24]).","","Agora XXIX, no. 1215",""