"Name","Id","dc-publisher","dc-date","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-description","Collection","Chronology","dc-subject","dc-title","Icon","dc-creator","Type" "Q 10:3","Agora:Deposit:Q 10:3","","8 September 1953","","","Mycenaean Grave to W of Pier 12 (Burial 11).; The northern part of the tomb had been cut away by the foundation trench for the south stylobate of the Square Building that preceded the Stoa, and the dromos, if one existed, must have been lost in this operation. The chamber was small with an original east-west dimension of 1.60m and a preserved north-south dimension of 1.20m, the walls preserved to a maximum height of 0.90m. A single skeleton lay in some disorder in the eastern part with its head to the south. Beneath the skull were slight traces of black, either from burning or from the decay of organic matter.; Although it might be argued from the single internment and the absence of any preserved dromos that this was a pit grave, the location of the body along the edge of the cutting would seem rather to indicate a small chamber tomb that has been cut away at the north.","Agora","Myc. IIB-IIIA:1","","Chamber Tomb to West of Pier 12","Agora:Image:1997.20.0191::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0191.tif::907::705","","Deposit" "O-Q 16-17","Agora:Deposit:O-Q 16-17","","","","","Scarp S of SE Fountain House (and vicinity); No info for this deposit","Agora","","","","","","Deposit" "Q 7:4","Agora:Deposit:Q 7:4","","16 April 1954","","","Mycenaean Grave below Stoa stylobate opposite pier 21, about 0.75m below the bottom of the Stoa conglomerate foundations. Although only the south side and the west end could be certainly fixed, the dimensions as exposed (1.30m by 0.60m) agree with those of the other cist graves. Tumbled in the grave were three rough stone slabs, presumably from a covering. A single skeleton lay in order, with feet to west and legs bent at the knees to fit into the space.","Agora","Myc. III A-early IIIB","","Cist Grave below Stoa Stylobate opposite, Pier 21, to West of Ballot Box.","","","Deposit" "H 11:2","Agora:Deposit:H 11:2","","4 April 1938","","","A well in room A of the Archaic House. Well with very irregular outline, cut down in the bedrock some 10m NE of the Tholos. Its filling yielded a handful of plain potsherds and the oinochoe P 13256 of an advanced Late Helladic III shape.","Agora","Sub-Mycenaean(?)","","Well in Tholos Trench Q","","","Deposit" "G 12:17","Agora:Deposit:G 12:17","","19 March 1935","","","Grave 16 in notebook.; Length of shaft 1.81m; width 0.64m; depth from cover 0.54m.; Skeleton of a woman , head at northwest end. Most of pots piled over feet and legs of skeleton at southeast end.; An iron fibula and a bronze pin lay to the right of the skull, other metal jewelry was among the pots at the feet. ; A bit of human bone and some fragments of Minyan ware found in random positions suggest that Grave XVII was cut through an earlier burial.","Agora","750 B.C.","","Inhumation of a Woman","Agora:Image:1997.07.0292::/Agora/1997/1997.07/1997.07.0292.tif::1053::725","","Deposit" "O 7:14","Agora:Deposit:O 7:14","","16 June 1951","","","Mycenaean Deposit (Gully) in front of NE Stoa (corrected from P 7:1). ; It consisted of a series of irregular pits, some gradually linked up with one another to form what seemed a natural gully. The largest pit measuring 1.70m east-west by about 1.20m north-south and having a maximum depth of 0.90m was situated from five to ten meters northeast of the gully proper and was cut at the north by the back wall of Northeast Stoa, which was set down a little into it.; The gully itself ran in a southwesterly direction and yielded about twenty small painted sherds, fragmentary cooking pots, unglazed kylix stems, fragments from pithoi and other coarse pots, as well as part of a stone grinder and many animal bones.; Apparently in both pit and gully we are dealing with a mixed fill, not of one homogeneous phase, and consisting partly of household refuse. Because of its proximity to the chamber tombs and because of the exceptional quality of several of the vases, it seems likely that some of the material came from disturbed tombs","Agora","Mycenaean IIIA-B","","Mycenaean Gully and Deposit in front of NE Stoa","","","Deposit" "P 8:8","Agora:Deposit:P 8:8","","30 December 1953","","","Child's Chamber Tomb opposite piers 16-17.; Miniature chamber tomb complete with a dromos and a door closed with stones, but with a chamber measuring only 0.50m by 0.70m and just large enough to contain the curled up skeleton of a child and a few simple offerings. Lying about 15m se of Tomb XVIII, it is only a few meters to the west of teh foundation for the terrace in front of the Stoa of Attalos.","Agora","Myc. III B","","Child's Chamber Tomb","","","Deposit"