"dc-date","Icon","Name","Chronology","Redirect","dc-subject","Collection","Type","dc-creator","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","Id","dc-publisher" "19 July 1932","Agora:NotebookPage:Δ-5-13::/Agora/Notebooks/Δ/Δ 005/Δ 005 013 (0785-0786).jpg::2048::1728","Δ-5-13 (pp. 785-786)","Classical; 145 B.C.; Late Roman","","","Agora","NotebookPage","","Δ-5","North of Wall B; South of Wall D; Fill with Mudbrick","","Agora:NotebookPage:Δ-5-13","" "26 Jul-4 Aug 2010","","Δ 109","145 B.C.","","Excavations | 2010 | Trenches | Delta | North of Wall B | South of Wall D | Fill North and West of Drain | Adjacent to Wall E | Western End | Lot Δ 109","Agora","Lot","Gawlinski","2 sm long-petal bowl frags (after 145); 1 small bl gl bs, probably mouldmade, possibly Phidias cup; 2 small joining handle frags with yellowish gl, probably misfired; misc sm bl gl bs; coarse bs, possibly with an inscribed alpha; frag of a cooking rim with flange and handle; frag of a coarse base, possibly Corinthian fabric; frag of conical loom weight; small coarse and cooking bs; all ceramic saved; 32 fine 28 coarse","North of Wall B; South of Wall E; Fill adjacent to Wall","","Agora:Lot:Δ 109",""