"Id","dc-title","dc-creator","UserLevel","Collection","Name","Type","dc-publisher","Chronology","dc-subject","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","Redirect" "Agora:Deposit:R 14:1","Footing Trench of Venetian/Valerian Wall","","","Agora","R 14:1","Deposit","","End 3rd. c. A.D.","","23 March-2 May 1933; 25-27 May 1939","","Filling in the footing trench of the late Roman Fortification. ; Includes Layer 1 and Layer 2 of Library Colonnade opposite Room 2. ""Note: both these layers are fill thrown into V.W. footing trench."" (nb.p. 2314)","" "Agora:Deposit:B 13:3","Drawshaft","","","Agora","B 13:3","Deposit","","Late 3rd. c.","","1-8 June 1937","","Cistern system on Kolonos Agoraios, shaft into south passage (81/ΝΘ). The fill again seemed to be a dumped fill; probably rather late 3rd. c.",""