"dc-publisher","Id","Name","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","Chronology","Collection","Type","Icon","dc-creator" "","Agora:Image:1997.01.0096","1997.01.0096 (XLV-31)","","","4 Aug 1950","Site | By Area | North | Miscellaneous | Northeast Stoa | Detailed Views","Architectural fragments of Ionic order found in destruction debris and associated with the ""Northeast Stoa"". Ionic capital fragments: A 1669-A 1674 (A 1672 and 1674 frags a, and b). Ionic architrave fragment (A 1675), crown moulding (A 1676), cornice fragments (A 1677, A 1678), antefix (A 1679), column fragment (A 1680) and marble revetment fragments (A 1681, A 1682). For reference to that Stoa, see Hesperia 21 (1952), p. 87, fig. 1.","","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:1997.01.0096::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0096.tif::671::782","" "","Agora:Deposit:M-N 15:1","M-N 15:1","","","","","South Stoa II: Building Fill","South Stoa II Construction Fill.; ; About 85 stamped amphora handles, many with parallels in building fills of Middle Stoa and Stoa of Attalos. Fragments of long-petal bowls confirm date after mid-2nd c. Types 25 A', 33 A, 35 B, and 44 A lamps. Most of bowls figured; one mold.","To ca. 140 B.C.","Agora","Deposit","","" "","Agora:Image:1997.12.0247","1997.12.0247 (88-474)","","","1966","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Plans and Drawings","Profiles of geison hawksbeaks and actual state of A 2414 and A 1476 with painted decoration.","PD 1549","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:1997.12.0247::/Agora/1997/1997.12/1997.12.0247.tif::1544::1016","W.B. Dinsmoor, Jr." "","Agora:Image:2012.59.0455","2012.59.0455 (88-474)","","","1966","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Plans and Drawings","Profiles of geison hawksbeaks and actual state of A 2414 and A 1476 with painted decoration.","PD 1549","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2012.59.0455::/Agora/2012/2012.59/2012.59.0455.jpg::2048::1599","W.B. Dinsmoor, Jr." "","Agora:Image:2012.52.1434","2012.52.1434 (XLV-31)","","","4 Aug 1950","Site | By Area | North | Miscellaneous | Northeast Stoa | Detailed Views","Architectural fragments of Ionic order found in destruction debris and associated with the ""Northeast Stoa"". Ionic capital fragments: A 1669-A 1674 (A 1672 and 1674 frags a, and b). Ionic architrave fragment (A 1675), crown moulding (A 1676), cornice fragments (A 1677, A 1678), antefix (A 1679), column fragment (A 1680) and marble revetment fragments (A 1681, A 1682). For reference to that Stoa, see Hesperia 21 (1952), p. 87, fig. 1.","AMS","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2012.52.1434::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.1434.jpg::1537::2048","" "","Agora:Drawing:DA 258","PD 1549 (DA 258)","","","1967","Site | By Area | East | Early Buildings beneath the Stoa of Attalos | Square Peristyle | Plans and Drawings","Square peristyle - South Stoa II series: geison hawksbeaks; profiles. Also actual state of A 2414, A 1476 with decoration and restored elevation with decoration.","88-474","","Agora","Drawing","Agora:Drawing:DA 258::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/00000-00999/DA 258.jpg::0::0","William B. Dinsmoor, Jr." "","Agora:Image:2004.01.0676","2004.01.0676 (HAT 50-68)","","","4 Aug 1950","Site | By Area | North | Miscellaneous | Northeast Stoa | Detailed Views","Architectural fragments of Ionic order found in destruction debris and associated with the ""Northeast Stoa"". Ionic capital fragments: A 1669-A 1674 (A 1672 and 1674 frags a, and b). Ionic architrave fragment (A 1675), crown moulding (A 1676), cornice fragments (A 1677, A 1678), antefix (A 1679), column fragment (A 1680) and marble revetment fragments (A 1681, A 1682). For reference to that Stoa, see Hesperia 21 (1952), p. 87, fig. 1.","Cf. XLV-31","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2004.01.0676::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.0676.tif::1185::1663","" "","Agora:Image:1997.01.0241","1997.01.0241 (83-118)","","","1961","Site | By Area | North | Stoa Poikile | Plans and Drawings","Reconstructed geison, plan (1:2) and section (1:1).","PD 1181","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:1997.01.0241::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0241.tif::1353::1044","W.B. Dinsmoor, Jr."