"Name","Id","dc-date","dc-description","Chronology","Icon","Type","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-publisher","Collection","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-subject" "L 272","Agora:Object:L 272","29 August 1931","Rear part of rim and infudibulum preserved. Vertical, strap handle missing.; The top is depressed surrounded by a high lange, the part of rim preserved shows two small holes. Sharply angular. On shoulder, a band of relief.; Covered outside and on part of inside with thin black glaze.; Ash gray clay.; ; Type XIX of Corinth collection, type 49A of Agora collection.; ; ADDENDA For profile cf. Corinth IV, ii, p. 32, fig. 14, profile 29.","","Agora:Image:2012.54.0526::/Agora/2012/2012.54/2012.54.0526.jpg::2048::1542","Object","Lamp Fragment","","","Agora","","",""