"Redirect","UserLevel","dc-title","Id","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Name","Chronology","Icon","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator" "","","Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian","Agora:Object:SS 855","","Object","Agora","SS 855","","Agora:Image:2017.11.0222::/Agora/2017/2017.11/2017.11.0222.tif::1299::898","Amphoras | Thasian","Roughly made handle very thick at the arch; part of rim preserved.; ; Rather soft micaceous buff clay; red ring next to surface.; ; Deep set impression from worn die; probably the same one as Pridik (1917), p. 43, nos. 23, 147, pl. V.; The punctuation shows in Pridik's photograph.","13 March 1933",""