"Type","dc-creator","Icon","dc-title","dc-subject","Chronology","Collection","dc-description","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name","Id" "Monument","","Corinth:Image:bw 1995 046 14::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1995_046/1995_st_046_014.jpg::1800::1189","","Megara | Aghioi Theodoroi","","Corinth","A village to the east of the Isthmus. Northwest of the city of Ag. Theodoroi, in 1961, archaeologists unearthed the ruins of ancient Krommyona. Important discoveries were made like a statue of Apollo, many black-figured vases, geometric and lakoeideis graves. According to Stravona, the entire coastal region of the Saronic and the Eleusinian Gulf was named Krommyona. Krommyona until the 6th century. BC belonged to Megara and then to Corinth.","","","","","Aghioi Theodoroi","Corinth:Monument:Aghioi Theodoroi"