"dc-creator","UserLevel","Redirect","Chronology","Id","dc-title","Collection","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name","Icon","dc-description","Type","dc-subject" "","","","","Agora:Object:P 7784","Red Figure Calyx Krater Fragment","Agora","15 May 1936","","P 7784","Agora:Image:2012.75.1894::/Agora/2012/2012.75/2012.75.1894.jpg::2048::1396","Wall fragment broken all around. In center, a nude youth looking left holds a horn to his chest in his right hand. He wears long hair bound by a ribbon and a wreath. To the left a female figure holding a fillet; to the right a female figure with staff in right hand. Relief contours for body parts; white for string of fillet and wreath.","Object","Red Figured And White Ground | Calyx-Kraters | Single Register"