"Name","dc-description","dc-subject","Redirect","Id","UserLevel","Collection","Icon","dc-publisher","Chronology","dc-date","dc-creator","Type","dc-title" "2013.09.0010","More images, and raw and bw files in: Unworked / Projects / 2013.09. Pyres (for S. Rotroff)","","","Agora:Image:2013.09.0010","","Agora","Agora:Image:2013.09.0010::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0010.tif::4248::2050","","","24 Oct 2011","Angelique Sideris","Image","Pyre. Deposit B 19:3.; Upper row from left to right: P 17706, P 17707, P 17708, P 17709, ST 385. Middle row from left to right: P 17705, P 17718 with lid P 17719, P 17710, P 17711, P 17721. Bottom row from left to right: stack of saucers: P 17716, P 17717, P 17715, P 17712, P 17713, P 17714; L 4176, P 17704, P 17720." "2015.01.0066 (Section ΝΝ 735)","AMS; Also 2012.39.0858","","","Agora:Image:2015.01.0066","","Agora","Agora:Image:2015.01.0066::/Agora/2015/2015.01/2015.01.0066.tif::1516::1092","","","23 Apr 1948","","Image","Pyre in situ (deposit B 19:3), looking north, documenting the presence of bone." "2012.39.0858 (Section ΝΝ 735)","AMS; Also 2015.01.0066","","","Agora:Image:2012.39.0858","","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.39.0858::/Agora/2012/2012.39/2012.39.0858.jpg::2048::1411","","","23 Apr 1948","","Image","Pyre in situ (deposit B 19:3), looking north, documenting the presence of bone."