"dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-description","Collection","Icon","Id","UserLevel","dc-creator","Chronology","Redirect","dc-date","Name","dc-title","Type" "","Site | By Area | Central | Miscellaneous | Objects as Found","AMS","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.25.0098::/Agora/2012/2012.25/2012.25.0098.jpg::2048::1418","Agora:Image:2012.25.0098","","","","","10 Mar 1936","2012.25.0098 (6-375)","Draped male statue as found in a modern wall.","Image" "","","A life-size statue, of which head, lower part from about knees down, and hands are missing. The shoulder and upper back are damaged. The left arm is bent at the elbow, with the hand held forward; the right hangs loosely at the side.; The figure wears an undergarment with a broad flat fold down the center front, and small flat folds on either side, and it falls in two layers, one longer than the other. Over this he wears a toga trabiata, passing over the left shoulder and under the right arm, the end thrown over the left forearm. A folded end falls down the left arm from under the top fold of the toga. The back is a flat panel and is rough-picked, as is part of the right side. Otherwise the sides are flat and smooth.; Pentelic marble.","Agora","Agora:Image:2014.04.0112::/Agora/2014/2014.04/2014.04.0112.jpg::4344::6984","Agora:Object:S 657","","","5th c. A.D. (?).","","10 March 1936","S 657","Portrait Statue of Draped Standing Male Figure","Object"