"Type","dc-subject","Icon","Name","dc-description","dc-date","Collection","dc-publisher","dc-title","Chronology","Id","dc-creator","Redirect","UserLevel" "Object","","Agora:Image:2009.01.0320::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0320.tif::1260::1890","S 166","Colossal statue, the legs broken off; the head, the left arm from the shoulder and the right arm from the elbow, all made separately, are missing.; The figure wears kilt, corselet and cloak. The corselet is elaborately decorated in relief: between two Victories, Athena standing on the she-wolf; on the lappets, heads of Zeus Ammon, Apollo (?), elephant's heads and smaller ornamental motifs.; The back roughly blocked.; Pentelic marble.; S 749 (Ρ 301) possibly belongs to this statue.; An envelope with small pieces are kept in the North Basement.","9 February 1932","Agora","","Portrait Statue of the Emperor Hadrian","117-138 A.D.","Agora:Object:S 166","","","" "Publication","","","Camp (2008)","Mouseio Benaki Supplement","2008","Agora","Benaki Museum","The Agora Excavations: A Summary of Recent Work on Roman Athens","","Agora:Publication:Camp (2008)","John Mck. Camp II","",""