"dc-date","Collection","Type","UserLevel","Id","dc-creator","Redirect","Icon","dc-description","dc-publisher","Chronology","Name","dc-title","dc-subject" "8 March 1932","Agora","Object","","Agora:Object:S 195","","","Agora:Image:2008.01.0014::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0014.tif::2773::3079","Small unfinished statuette. Back and sides of seat present smoothed; unfinished surfaces showing tool marks, perhaps quarry surfaces.; The under surface is cut away leaving in the center a rough projection. ; The figure has been blocked out with a pointed chisel. Head, and left hand raised thereto, are distinguishable; otherwise only the outlines of the figure against the seat.; Pentelic marble in a curiously deep yellow.; ; ADDENDA The color stain characteristic of the cistern (DBS).; Made from the post of a basin (of which fragments were found with it?)(HAT 1953).","","","S 195","Statuette of Seated Figure","" "2006","Agora","Publication","","Agora:Publication:Agora Picture Book 27","Lawton, C.","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0030::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0030.jpg::200::303","The 5th-century B.C. poet Pindar remarked on the rich sculptural decoration of the Athenian Agora, and, indeed, over 3,500 pieces of various types of sculpture have been uncovered during its excavation. This full-color guide sheds new light on the marble industry in and around the Agora, including rich evidence for sculptors’ workshops, their tools, and techniques. The text discusses the works of both famous and anonymous artists.","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","AgoraPicBk 27 (2006)","Marbleworkers in the Athenian Agora",""