"Name","dc-creator","Icon","dc-date","Collection","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Type","Id","Chronology","dc-title","Redirect","dc-description","UserLevel" "2012.20.0327 (2-159)","","Agora:Image:2012.20.0327::/Agora/2012/2012.20/2012.20.0327.jpg::2048::1537","","Agora","","","Image","Agora:Image:2012.20.0327","","Inscribed black figure dinos fragment.","","AMS","" "P 334","","Agora:Image:2007.01.1520::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.1520.tif::3040::2008","9 March 1932","Agora","","","Object","Agora:Object:P 334","","Black Figure Dinos Fragments: Inscribed","","About half of vase preserved, mended from many fragments, most of which unite to form one side of the body of the bowl (a); ten more form a fragment from the top of the bowl and the rim (b). Bowl rounded at bottom, merging with flaring sides; curves inward at top to wide opening finished with plain flat slightly projecting rim. Surface of vase, from beneath rim to wide black band around bottom, completely covered by three friezes: ; 1. a) Palmette and lotus pattern; to left, remains of lower part of human figure and animal. ; b) Four nude male figures drinking, dancing and playing the pipes. One figure dips his wine from a large footed amphora with a high-handled kantharos. ; 2. a) From left to right: end of chariot race scene: nose and forefeet of galloping horse; large tripod, and bearded male figure in long tunic advancing toward it, holding knife(?). ; Ithyphallic satyr with bristling hide pursuing nymph, right. She holds stone in her left hand, extended before her.; The Kalydonian Hunt: Two hunters attacking the boar from behind, with spear, knives and hunting dogs. Heads of figures damaged. ΑΚ]ΑΖΤΟΣ holds one dog, drawn only in outline, by the leash; ]ΕΡΟΝ launches the spear, while another dog leaps upon the boar. ; The boar, to right, tramples upon a prostrate figure ΠΕΓΑΙΟΣ. Top of head and some of bristles of boar missing. ; Traces of another hunter attacking from the front: his foot and the point of his spear, about to pierce the lowered jaws of the boar, alone preserved at the extreme right edge of fragment. ; b) Seems to belong not far beyond this break. Facing left, the head of ΜΕ[ΛΑΝΙΟΝ; behind him, that of ΑΤΑ[ΛΑΝΤΕ. Beyond, at the right edge of the fragment, the first letter of another name - Π(?).; (For arrangement of principle characters, compare the Françoise vase, where Atalante and Melanion, side by side, follow Meleager and Peleus who are spearing the boar.); 3. a) Animals and fantastic creatures: left, boar flanked by two sirens; right, bull with two lions. Lion to right (head and one paw alone preserved) claws muzzle of bull with up-raised paw. ; ; Attic clay, bright orange surface. Inside and rim, black glaze. Free use of incision for outlines and details of hair and garments. Plain round eye used for men and women alike; also added purple for flesh, on the animals, and for the inscriptions. The latter are written indiscriminately from left to right and from right to left. Bottom of pot unglazed, bordered by black band 0.037m. wide, above which rise the friezes.","" "Agora XXIII","Moore, M. B.","Agora:Image:2009.09.0053::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0053.jpg::370::500","1986","Agora","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","Agora:Publication:Agora 23","","Attic Black-Figured Pottery","","This volume is the first of the Athenian Agora reports to deal specifically with figured wares; it is concerned with the black-figured pottery found in the excavations in the Athenian Agora between 1931 and 1967, most of it in dumped fill especially in wells and cisterns. These deposits have been published separately in previous reports; by presenting them as a body, the authors are able to show how it complements and supplements the existing chronological and stylistic framework of shapes and artists. All the important pieces are shown in photographs, as well as all complete vases and those with particular problems. Profile drawings and reconstructions of the composition are supplied in a few special cases. Summary descriptions of references and a site plan are given for the deposits, which are also identified in the concordance of catalogue and inventory numbers. There are indexes of potters, painters, groups, and classes; subjects; shape and ornament; collections and provenances; and a general index.",""