"Id","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-title","Collection","dc-publisher","Type","dc-subject","Icon","Chronology","Name","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-description" "Agora:Image:2002.03.0776","","","Standing figure wearing himation. Pentelic marble. Front view.","Agora","","Image","","Agora:Image:2002.03.0776::/Agora/2002/2002.03/2002.03.0776.tif::787::1284","","2002.03.0776 (7-384)","","","" "Agora:Object:S 936","","","Portrait Statue of Draped Standing Male Figure","Agora","","Object","","Agora:Image:2012.03.4409::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.4409.tif::2096::4040","","S 936","","20 May 1937","Both feet, parts of right hand, all of left, head and top of shoulders, missing. Minor chips from drapery.; Himation clad figure, the weight resting on right foot, left knee thrust a little forward. Right hand holds fold of drapery over chest, left hand rests at side, with wrist swathed in a heavy fold of drapery.; Shoulders apparently repaired, for an iron dowel is still present in top of statue to fasten on a separate shoulder piece. Back of drapery rests on part of a plinth.; Pentelic marble."