"dc-date","dc-title","UserLevel","Id","Icon","Chronology","Collection","dc-description","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Type" "7 May 1937","Marble Fragment: List of Names","","Agora:Object:I 4784","Agora:Image:2012.54.0639::/Agora/2012/2012.54/2012.54.0639.jpg::2048::1550","","Agora","Inscribed fragment.; Broken all around and behind; cut horizontally with a single point below.; Five lines of the inscription preserved.; Hymettian marble.","","I 4784","","","","Object" "7 May 1937","Marble Fragments","","Agora:Object:I 4795","Agora:Image:2009.04.0250::/Agora/2009/2009.04/2009.04.0250.tif::2754::1890","","Agora","Inscribed fragments.; Five fragments, mended to three (fragment a, Ζ 1119 a and b; fragment b, Ζ 1119 c and e; fragment c, Ζ 1119 d); On the tops of all three, traces of a rough picked surface which may be original; otherwise fragments are broken all around.; On fragments a) and b), two lines of the inscription preserved; on fragment c), one line.; Pentelic marble.","","I 4795","","","","Object"