"dc-creator","Redirect","UserLevel","Chronology","Id","dc-title","dc-date","Collection","dc-publisher","Icon","Name","dc-description","Type","dc-subject" "","","","","Agora:Card:B-1062-1","","","Agora","","Agora:Card:B-1062-1::/Agora/Cards/B 1xxx/B-01062-1.jpg::2048::1405","B 1062","","Card","" "","","","Myc. II-IIIA/B","Agora:Deposit:P 9:4","Chamber Tomb Opposite ΣΑ Pier 15","7 January 1954","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0060::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0060.tif::948::712","P 9:4","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb opposite ΣΑ pier 15. It was discovered about 20m to the west of Pier 15 of the Stoa of Attalos and almost in a line and a few meters south of Tomb XX. although the entire upper part had been cut away in Classical times, leaving only the lowest o.50 to 0.80m., and a Classical pit had cut away the northwest corner of the chamber, the burials were remarkably undisturbed and the chamber could be planned and measures. the dromos opening to the northeast, was short and steep and irregularly cut. it was 0.70m wide and was preserved to a length of 1.50m; a few stones of the blocking wall of the doorway remained.; The tomb had been used for five or more burials. three skeletons were found in their original position. One lay along the east side with head to south and legs doubled up; another in the center with feet toward the door; and a third at the back of the chamber. In the southwest corner were the remains of a swept-up skeleton, and beneath this a shallow pit with swept-up bones and pots from still earlier burials. With each burial were found some offerings, but most of the pottery came from the pit and the swept-aside skeleton in the southwest corner.","Deposit","" "","","","","Agora:Image:2012.53.1418","Bronze mirror.","","Agora","","Agora:Image:2012.53.1418::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1418.jpg::1586::2048","2012.53.1418 (LXIII-20)","AMS","Image","" "Craig Mauzy","","","","Agora:Image:2022.03.0528","Bronze mirror.","6 Jul 2022","Agora","","Agora:Image:2022.03.0528::/Agora/2022/2022.03/2022.03.0528.tif::2048::1581","2022.03.0528","Horizontal (normal)","Image","" "Craig Mauzy","","","","Agora:Image:2022.03.0529","Bronze mirror.","6 Jul 2022","Agora","","Agora:Image:2022.03.0529::/Agora/2022/2022.03/2022.03.0529.tif::2048::1722","2022.03.0529","Horizontal (normal)","Image","" "","","","Late Helladic III","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-238","Mirror","1949","Agora","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-238::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 013/Agora 013 238 (217).png::1449::2048","Agora 13, s. 238, p. 217","Agora 13","PublicationPage","" "","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-293","","","Agora","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-293::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 013/Agora 013 293 (272).png::1449::2048","Agora 13, s. 293, p. 272","Agora 13","PublicationPage","" "","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-358","pl. 50","","Agora","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-13-358::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 013/Agora 013 358.png::1471::2048","Agora 13, s. 358","Agora 13","PublicationPage",""