"Redirect","Id","dc-title","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","Type","dc-subject","dc-date","dc-creator","Collection","UserLevel","dc-description","Icon" "","Agora:Publication:Hesperia 17","Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","Hesperia 17 (1948)","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","","1948","","Agora","","Hesperia","" "","Agora:Publication:Museum Guide (2014)","The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide","","Museum Guide (2014)","American School of Classical Studies","Publication","","2014","Gawlinski, L.","Agora","","5","" "","Agora:Publication:Agora 7","Lamps of the Roman Period: First to Seventh Century after Christ","","Agora VII","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","","1961","Perlzweig, J.","Agora","","Nearly 3,000 specimens of lamps of “Roman” character are catalogued in this volume that covers the period from the 1st century B.C. to the 8th century A.D. The lamps are not easy to classify because the appearance of the clay used is not an infallible guide to the place of manufacture and the molds used to create the shapes were used widely around the Mediterranean. Terracotta lamps were probably made for local consumption in most cities of Greece; only a few centers, notably Athens and Corinth, developed an export trade capable of competing with local manufacturers. Since lamps from Athens do appear at other sites, the presentation of a well-dated sample of these finds provides useful reference material for scholars working at other sites.","Agora:Image:2009.09.0038::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0038.jpg::104::150" "","Agora:Publication:Agora Picture Book 9","Lamps from the Athenian Agora","","AgoraPicBk 9 (1963)","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","","1963","Perlzweig, J.","Agora","","At night, the darkness of the ancient Agora would have been pierced by the lights of oil lamps, and thousands of fragments of these distinctive objects have been found. This booklet presents the development of different styles of lamps and includes a very useful identification guide. The author discusses the manufacture of lamps in Athens, a major industry with over 50 known workshops in the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. She also provides illustrations of particularly fine examples, including ornate festival lamps with many nozzles and bizarre shapes.","Agora:Image:2009.09.0012::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0012.jpg::200::314"