"Icon","Id","Collection","Chronology","dc-date","UserLevel","dc-title","Type","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-description","Redirect","Name","dc-creator" "Agora:Image:2012.45.0263::/Agora/2012/2012.45/2012.45.0263.jpg::1390::2048","Agora:Deposit:O 7:6","Agora","Developed-Later Protogeometric","22 May 1951","","Infant pot inhumation","Deposit","","","Grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XXXVIII: PG); Shallow oval cutting in natural bedrock lintel of Mycenaean chamber tomb O 7:5, containing a large two-handled cooking pot. Within, the unburned bones of a foetal six-months infant. The upper part of the cutting and one side of the jar sheared away in Classical times","","O 7:6","Eugene Vanderpool" "Agora:Image:1997.20.0062::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0062.tif::979::680","Agora:Deposit:O 7:7","Agora","Myc. III A-B","19-21 June 1951","","Small Chamber Tomb","Deposit","","","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb.; Although badly disturbed at various times in antiquity, it was clearly a chamber tomb with the chamber little more than a cubby-hole at the end of a steep dromos, entered at the north by two steps, and with the stone blocking-wall preserved for a few courses. The dromos was at least 2.20m long with a width of 0.80 to 0.90m tapering upward to 0.60m, and preserved to a height of at least 1.05m.","","O 7:7","Eugene Vanderpool" "","Agora:Deposit:O 7:8","Agora","425-400 B.C.","16 June 1951","","The Tortoise's Grave","Deposit","","","The Tortoise's Grave.; Small deposit in the lower part of a wine-jar (P 21715) set down into the filling of a pit of the archaic period (O 7:9).; Contains tortoise shell.","","O 7:8","" "","Agora:Deposit:O 7:9","Agora","600-550 B.C.","16-21 June 1951","","Archaic Pit at 25/ΙΓ","Deposit","","","Archaic Pit at 25/ΙΓ, near the northeast corner of the market square. Filling in upper part of shaft, cleared only to a depth of 3.10m because of rock conditions.","","O 7:9","" "","Agora:Deposit:O 7:10","Agora","Ca. 450-425 B.C.","11-13 June 1951","","Pit","Deposit","","","Small Pit or Well at 25/ΚΑ with a small quantity of fine and coarse household pottery, much of it whole, or nearly so.","","O 7:10","" "Agora:Image:2012.45.0264::/Agora/2012/2012.45/2012.45.0264.jpg::2048::1356","Agora:Deposit:O 7:11","Agora","Late Protogeometric","22-23 May 1951","","Pit Tomb, Child Inhumation","Deposit","","","Early Geometric grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XXXIX).","","O 7:11","Eugene Vanderpool" "","Agora:Deposit:O 7:12","Agora","7th-early 6th century, some 5th century intrusions.","13-23 June 1951","","Hollow with Slit over West Niche of Mycenaean Tomb","Deposit","","","Hollow with silt over niche of Mycenaean Tomb (O 7:5).","","O 7:12","" "","Agora:Deposit:O 7:13","Agora","450-400 B.C.","16 May 1951","","Rectangular Pit in Bedrock at 44/H","Deposit","","","Shallow rectangular pit in bedrock at 44/Η. It contained a very small quantity of pottery, mostly coarse but including a few black glazed pieces, one stamped.","","O 7:13",""