"Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","Redirect","dc-creator","Icon","UserLevel","Id","dc-date","Type","Collection" "Ca. 400-325 B.C.","J 11:1","","","Fourth Century Hole","Irregular depression in bedrock (ca. 7x5m), ca. 2m deep; area south of E-W Late Roman wall. Dumped filling apparently intended to level off the area.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:J 11:1","10 March 1952","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 350-270 B.C.","J 12:3","","","Hole","Hole in bedrock; dumped filling used in leveling. ; Probably a natural water line, tending to wash out, has been cut back for various purposes, and finally all filled in to make level bedding for 4th c., or early Hellenistic pavement.","","","Agora:Image:2013.01.0073::/Agora/2013/2013.01/2013.01.0073.tif::1580::1361","","Agora:Deposit:J 12:3","1-3 April 1933; 3 May 1933; 26 May-14 June 1933","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 420-390 B.C.","J 13-14:1","","","Polygonal Drain","Water deposit in Polygonal Drain (43-44/Γ-Ζ and martyra)immediately south of the south foundations of the Middle Stoa. Early branch of the original course of Great Drain.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:J 13-14:1","18-19 May 1933","Deposit","Agora" "Second half of 5th c. B.C.","J 18:3","","","Pit A","Pit A lies tangent to Pit B (J 18:4) and cuts into its loose fill.; Small deposit.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:J 18:3","14 March 1947","Deposit","Agora" "Second and third quarters of 4th c. B.C.","J 18:5","","","Pit C","Small deposit including red figured fragments.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:J 18:5","2 April 1947","Deposit","Agora" "Late 6th to early 5th c. B.C.","J 18:6","","","Pit D","Scanty filling over the top of a pit.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:J 18:6","2 April 1947","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 375-350 B.C.","K 13:1","","","Pocket","Small pocket with R.F. sherds and terracottas, perhaps thrown up by the diggers of a modern well nearby.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:K 13:1","17 February 1933","Deposit","Agora" "Modern Context","K 14:1","","","Collector's Dump","Pottery Deposit at 57/ΙΔ (also 57/ΙΣΤ and 63-66/Κ-ΚΕ). Contents of pit range from Mycenaean to Turkish; apparently the dump of a modern antiquities dealer.","","","","","Agora:Deposit:K 14:1","20 February-3 March 1934","Deposit","Agora"