"Id","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-subject","Collection","dc-description","Icon","dc-title","Type","Chronology","dc-creator","Redirect","Name","dc-date" "Agora:Deposit:J 5:2","","","","Agora","Enclosure within Roman Circular Building. The finds apparently reflect the entire area inside the enclosure. Pottery lot ΒΓ 515 identifies the deposit as layer 10 and coin #895 from layer 11 says ""layer below the deposit"".","Agora:Image:2009.05.0020::/Agora/2009/2009.05/2009.05.0020.tif::679::893","Crossroads Enclosure","Deposit","","","","J 5:2","12-18 August 1971; 9-10 May 1972" "Agora:Deposit:J 11:1","","","","Agora","Irregular depression in bedrock (ca. 7x5m), ca. 2m deep; area south of E-W Late Roman wall. Dumped filling apparently intended to level off the area.","","Fourth Century Hole","Deposit","Ca. 400-325 B.C.","","","J 11:1","10 March 1952" "Agora:Deposit:K 9-10:1","","","","Agora","""Red Fill"" (extending to bedrock or near, over most of area). Mainly first century after Christ with later disturbance.","","Red Fill West of Odeion","Deposit","1st-2nd c. A.D.","","","K 9-10:1","18-21 April 1936; 5 May 1936; 5-31 March 1952; 7 April 1952; 29 April 1952" "Agora:Deposit:K 18:1","","","","Agora","Roman well re-used in Byzantine times.","","Roman Well Re-Used in Byzantine Times","Deposit","Late 1st-early 2nd, 4th-5th, 11th centuries.","","","K 18:1","24 March-16 April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:K-L 18-20:1","","","","Agora","Accumulated fillings in a system of underground drains at west end of section ΔΔ with northward continuation into and across Section Υ.; The filling in the ""underground passages"" in section ΔΔ appears to be not later than 3rd c. B.C.; but drain channels, pits and cuttings, etc. in Υ are partly Early Roman, some mixed to Late Roman or later.; Section ΔΔ: west branch and east branch recorded separately and noted on cards for each find; not separated into subdivisions here.; Section Υ: pit at 31-32/ΜΘ-Ν, 31-32/ΜΣΤ-ΜΖ, 36-38/ΞΔ, 33/ΝΒ, 31-32/ΜΓ-ΜΣΤ, 31/ΜΑ-ΜΓ; ; two fragments of semi-glazed bowls with everted rim (late 2nd c.?) intrusive in west branch. More extensive disturbance in east branch indicated by fragments of dipper, 2nd c. plate, at least five moldmade bowls, a Roman lamp.","","Drain System","Deposit","3rd c. B.C.; 2nd c A.D.","","","K-L 18-20:1","18-26 February 1937; 17 May-9 June 1939; 6-11 May 1940" "Agora:Deposit:L 19:1","","","","Agora","Dumped fill. Well lining collapsed at ca. 0.60m. from bottom, apparently at start of POU, forcing abandonment. Pottery described as mixed to ""latest Roman"", including combed and gouged; all very fragmentary; discarded.; ; Cf. Lot Υ 13 for pottery from fill in channel leading to well 39/ΞΔ (late 4th c. B.C.).","","Well","Deposit","Late Roman","","","L 19:1","4-5 February 1937; 20-30 March 1937" "Agora:Deposit:L 21:1","","","","Agora","Reused as part of a modern cistern; scanty remains of ancient fill towards bottom.","","Cistern","Deposit","1st c. A.D.","","","L 21:1","29 April 1947" "Agora:Deposit:M 17:1","","","FixChildren","Agora","Use filling of middle of 1st to late 6th c. (Roman Group M); dumped filling of 9th and 10th c. Down to a depth of about 21.00m. the fill of the well contained very few objects, the latest of them being of the early Byzantine period (10th c. A.D.?). At 21.00m. there was a sudden change and very late Roman objects began to appear in great numbers.; ; See nbp. 786 for a note on the disposition of some uncatalogued material into a modern well.","Agora:Image:2000.02.0978::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0978.tif::2029::1317","Well","Deposit","1st-6th c. A.D.","","","M 17:1","13 March-15 April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:M 18:1","","","","Agora","Filling of a well on the lower north slopes of the Areopagus, dug early in the 1st c. B.C. [construction fill]; in use into the the 2nd c. A.D.[well fill] (H Ms.) No apparent stratification.; ; Hellenistic construction fill mainly of amphoras (132 inventoried) used as packing between well tiles and bedrock.","","Well","Deposit","2nd c. A.D.","","","M 18:1","17 March- April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:M 18:3","","","","Agora","Tomb at 53-54/ΛΕ-ΛΣΤ-ΛΗ (Late Roman), on the lower north slope of the Areopagus","","Late Roman Tomb","Deposit","350-400 A.D.","","","M 18:3","29 April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:M 18:4","","","","Agora","Appears to be use filling from 3rd c. A.D., pre-Herulian into 4th c. or later. Lined with tiles.","","Well","Deposit","Early 3rd-early 6th c.","","","M 18:4","22 April-11 May 1937" "Agora:Deposit:M 19:1","","","","Agora","The cistern at 70/ΝΗ and the channel [65/ΞΑ] between chambers 70/ΝΗ and 63/ΞΒ seem to have a uniform dumped filling of first half 2nd c. A.D.","","Cistern and Channel","Deposit","First half of 2nd c. A.D.","","","M 19:1","9 April 1937; 30 May 1946" "Agora:Deposit:N 13:1","","","","Agora","Well at 16/ΚΗ, in SW corner of Gymnasium complex.","","Well in Π Late Roman to Turkish","Deposit","5th c. A.D. - 10th c. A.D.","","","N 13:1","13-24 April 1935" "Agora:Deposit:N 15:1","","","","Agora","Destruction debris in L.R. water basin, 6th-7th c. A.D, set against back wall of South Stoa II.","","Destruction Debris in Late Roman Water Basin","Deposit","6th c. or 7th c. A.D.","","","N 15:1","February 1936" "Agora:Deposit:N 17:1","","","","Agora","Stratified well; very late Roman verging on Byzantine.","","Well","Deposit","3rd-5th c. A.D.; 9th c A.D.","","","N 17:1","11-18 April 1939" "Agora:Deposit:N 17:2","","","","Agora","Modern fill to 21.00m. at which depth a human skeleton weighed down with iron. ER fill from 21.00-28.00m. (bottom). A POU fill with a possible break around 25.00m.","","Well","Deposit","1st to mid-2nd c. A.D.","","","N 17:2","24 April -5 May 1939" "Agora:Deposit:N 18:5","","","","Agora","Well dug through N 18:1 (cistern at 79/ΜΗ) on the lower north slopes of Areopagus; the cistern was the northern chamber of a system; the southern chamber is at 84/ΝΣΤ (N 19:1).; A single dumped deposit filled both the well-shaft and the cistern.","","Well Dug through Cistern at 79/MH","Deposit","3rd-4th c. A.D.","","","N 18:5","February-March 1937" "Agora:Deposit:N 19:1","","","","Agora","Dumped filling of late 2nd c. B.C.; Roman Group F, dumped filling of second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C. on the lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Diameter at bottom -3.20m","Agora:Image:2010.01.0191::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0191.tif::3073::4302","Cistern","Deposit","Second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C.","","","N 19:1","30 January-April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:N 20:1","","","","Agora","Use filling of first half of 1st c.; dumped filling of late 1st c.(?). This well, near its mouth, cuts off the end of the upper passage of the cistern at 53/Ε.","","Well","Deposit","First half of 1st c. A.D. POU","","","N 20:1","10-22 May 1939" "Agora:Deposit:N 20:3","","",".1 Top to -11m (containers 1-8), dump 7th c. ?","Agora","Well dug through cistern at 64/Γ. Seems to have been stratified; four fills recorded but here treated as one as divisions are rather ""arbitrary"".; Agora V, p. 126: Constructed in late 1st c.; use filling of 3rd c (before 267); use(?) filling of 4th c; dumped filling of 6th or 7th c.; The floor of the cistern is at -2.90m. When the well was built, the lower part of the cistern chamber behind the well tiles was filled with large wine amphoras, of which 18 whole ones were found.; A human skeleton identified as female by Angel, was found at a depth of -13.50m, at the point where the pottery changes from the late third or fourth century to the early third. The skeleton may have been thrown in when the Heruli sacked the city.","","Well","Deposit","3rd c. A.D. POU (before 267 A.D.)","","","N 20:3","16 March 1938; 21 March-4 April 1938" "Agora:Deposit:N 20:5","","","","Agora","Well at 74/Ι, on the lower north slope of the Areopagus.; Use fill from early 1st to 3rd c. A.D.; Dump fill from 4th c. A.D.","","Roman Well at 74/I","Deposit","1st c. to 3d c. A.D.","","","N 20:5","March-April 1938" "Agora:Deposit:O 13-14:1","","","","Agora","Destruction fill in octagonal room of Gymnasium and Rooms to North; also basement room F of late Roman Gymnasium.","","Destruction Fill in Octagonal Room of Gymnasium and Rooms to North, including basement Room F","Deposit","Late Roman","","","O 13-14:1","" "Agora:Deposit:P 7:4","","","","Agora","Well of Christian Lamp; west of Stoa terrace wall near north end.","","Well of Christian Lamp","Deposit","Late 5th-early 6th century A.D.","","","P 7:4","20-21 April 1951" "Agora:Deposit:P 8:1","","","","Agora","Building Fill NE of Circular Building 13-17/ΚΓ-ΚΣΤ (Roman Group H); and Connecting Cut NE of Circular Bldg.","","Circular Building Fills","Deposit","First half 2nd c. A.D.","","","P 8:1","29 May 1951; 4 June 1951" "Agora:Deposit:P 8:2","","","","Agora","Narrow trench in bedrock; one section found to NE of Circular Building west of the Stoa of Attalos, another (Q 8:1) beneath the terrace of the Stoa of Attalos opposite Pier 19. A single filling in both sections, with a high proportion of good black vases.","","Trench","Deposit","Ca. 450-425 B.C. and shortly after","","","P 8:2","5 June 1951" "Agora:Deposit:P 19:1","","","","Agora","Tile well at 52/ΛΣΤ, in the northern late Roman building in the room with the apse. The top was covered by a large stone, and the well had never been filled after the last period of use. water stood to within two meters of the top and the first fill was at 23m. From 23 to 25m, the well was filled with pottery, mainly water jars of varying sizes, dating from the 5th or perhaps sixth centuries. Below this point, there is much less pottery, and the last few baskets show clearly that the well was in use at least as early as the first half of the third century.","","Well at 52/ΛΣΤ","Deposit","Late 1st (?) cent.-early 3rd to 6th cent.","","","P 19:1","3-18 June 1938" "Agora:Deposit:P 21:1","","","","Agora","Osteotheke. (Group N).","Agora:Image:1997.20.0246::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0246.tif::636::459","Osteotheke","Deposit","Early 7th cent.","","","P 21:1","30 April-10 May 1938" "Agora:Deposit:Q 5:1","","","","Agora","Rubble and mortar pithos built over and into line of zig-zag drain. Excavated upside-down. Loose fill.","","Turkish Pithos at Q/4,5-5/14,15.","Deposit","18 A.D with mostly 16 A.D. c.","","","Q 5:1","29 June 1971" "Agora:Deposit:Q 6:4","","","Layer 1 :0-13.20 Backfill from Koumanoudes' excavation.","Agora","""Koumanoudes' Well.; Tile-lined well (diam. 0.85m) at SE corner of courtyard of Roman House E, at top built wall of stones and mortar, bedrock at bottom.","Agora:Image:1997.01.0111::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0111.tif::908::687","Well at Q/14-6/11","Deposit","","","","Q 6:4","28 July-6 August 1971" "Agora:Deposit:Q 7:3","","","","Agora","Soft Trench behind Stoa Stylobate, opposite Piers 21 and 22, along W face of Shop front wall. Herulian destruction debris at the north end of the Stoa of Attalos.","","Trench Behind Stoa Stylobate","Deposit","Late 3rd c. A.D.","","","Q 7:3","24 February-3 March 1954" "Agora:Deposit:Q 8:1","","","","Agora","Narrow trench in bedrock.","","Narrow Trench in Bedrock","Deposit","Third Quarter to Last Quarter of 5th c. B.C.","","","Q 8:1","7 May 1952" "Agora:Deposit:Q 13:1","","","","Agora","Dumped fill in a shaft which served as means of access leading to a water channel south of the Stoa of Attalos.","","Manhole","Deposit","Early 1st c. A.D.","","","Q 13:1","28-29 June 1933; 29 April-6 May 1936" "Agora:Deposit:Q 15:1","","","","Agora","Great Drain and Pit at 55-56/ΙΗ-ΙΖ (Roman Group K).","","","Deposit","Mid 3rd century","","","Q 15:1","8-17 June 1933" "Agora:Deposit:Q 17:1","","","","Agora","Just east of Building II near its south end. The tiles were in place.; Upper filling (to 3.00m.) of Hellenistic-Byzantine dump all discarded.; POU fill a gradual accumulation of typical Justinianian ware.","","Well","Deposit","6th c. A.D. POU-7th c. A.D.","","","Q 17:1","13 May 1952; 23-29 May 1952" "Agora:Deposit:Q 17:4","","","","Agora","Outside the market square, near the southeast corner, on the south edge of the east-west road, where it passes to the south of the Mint.; There is no doubt that the pottery from the well is ""stratified"" in the sense that a very definite sequence could be observed from the late 6th c. pottery near the top down to pottery of the 1st c. A.D. in the lowest containers (some Byzantine pottery ... probably represents a brief reuse of the well after a long period of disuse). [HSR Aug. 1955]","","Well","Deposit","Early 1st to 6th c. and of 8th c. A.D.","","","Q 17:4","29 June-27 July 1955" "Agora:Deposit:R 9:1","","","","Agora","Well East of Stoa Shop 14.","","Well East of Stoa Shop 14","Deposit","1st c. A.D.","","","R 9:1","30-31 October 1949" "Agora:Deposit:R 12:5","","","","Agora","Pre-Stoa Pit beneath floor of Shop I","","Pre-Stoa Pit beneath Floor of Shop I","Deposit","2nd c. B.C.","","","R 12:5","17 February 1955" "Agora:Deposit:R 13:2","","","","Agora","Well in street leading to Roman Agora. Not excavated below 2.10m.; This has the same date as the latest pieces in R 13:1 (JWH).","","Well","Deposit","Ca. 40-50 A.D.","","","R 13:2","5-6 August 1946" "Agora:Deposit:R 14:2","","","","Agora","Sculptor's Workshop at 37-40/Β-ΣΤ","","Sculptor's Workshop","Deposit","Ca. 267 A.D.","","","R 14:2","20 April 1933,; 23 May 1939,; 9 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:R 17:2","","","","Agora","Well cut through cistern at 51/ΙΑ (merged with R 17:1); well and cistern filled at one time.","","Well","Deposit","5th c. A.D.","","","R 17:2","14-18 June 1938" "Agora:Deposit:S 19-20:1","","","","Agora","South Tunnel: Bone Factory. Starts at 4-6/Μ and runs south to well.","","South Tunnel Bone Factory","Deposit","Second half of 2nd c. A.D.","","","S 19-20:1","9 March-5 May 1938" "Agora:Deposit:S 21:1","","","","Agora","A well outside the market square to the southeast, 20m west of the Panathenaic Way; Modern fill in upper 1.65m. with Early Roman dumped fillings below.","","Well at 35/ΙΘ","Deposit","Late 1st c. B.C.-early 1st c. A.D.","","","S 21:1","18 April-5 May 1939" "Agora:Deposit:S 21:3","","","FixChildren","Agora","Well outside market square to the southeast, west of the Panathenaic Way. Accumulated use filling from first half of 1st c. A.D. to early 3rd c. Top to 14.65m. 4th c. dump; nothing significant catalogued. The well is stratified but subdivisions thought to be unnecessary. Objects P 14993, P 15700, A 1061, L 3951, IL 852 are either upper fills or dirt pile finds.","","Well at 20/ΙΘ","Deposit","POU First half of 1st c.-early 3rd c. A.D.","","","S 21:3","3-18 May 1939; 16-22 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:T 13:1","","","","Agora","Tile-lined well at T/7-13/10,ca. 0.75m in diameter, top at ca. 64.90. Three tiles per circuit, ca. 0.63m high each; 10 rows of tiles. No POU.; Fill was largely dumped earth of the 3rd and 4th c. A.D., apparently Herulian debris. Near the top was a piece of unfluted column shaft of a scale appropriate to the stoa; lower down were several fragments of parapet slabs, perhaps from the second storey.","","Well","Deposit","Late 3rd to 5th century A.D.","","","T 13:1","6-19 July 1972" "Agora:Deposit:T 17:1","","","","Agora","Church of Christ: Grave 1 in notebook.","","Church of Christ Grave 1","Deposit","","","","T 17:1","18, 23, 25 March 1936" "Agora:Deposit:U 22:1","","","FixChildren","Agora","Well C - Passage, belongs with II - Brick Shaft. All dumped fills. No objects catalogued from Well C of section ΟΑ. One object (I 5422) catalogued from modern fill in shaft, one from dump (I 5545).","","","Deposit","2nd c. A.D.- Byzantine","","","U 22:1","28 April-5 May 1937; 7 April-6 May 1938, 20 April to 15 June 1938,; 5 May-22 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:U 22:3","","","","Agora","A great shaft 2.65m in diameter and over 10m deep cut out in the mid 1st c. to serve in some connection with the Brick Shaft system (U 22:1). Filled in to top (layer 2) in late 1st- early 2nd c. A.D. with a fill of mostly Hellenistic sherds (dump). Above this dump was an accumulation of late 2nd- early 3rd c. period (layer 1).","","Well at 20/ΙΔ","Deposit","","","","U 22:3","18 March 1937, ; 1-13 April 1937,; 24 May-14 June 1937" "Agora:Deposit:D 6:1","","","","Agora","East Chamber of Cistern System #2. The fill in layers, but probably a destruction fill with layering not significant.","","East Chamber","Deposit","Late 5th-early 6th c. A.D.","","","D 6:1","1-8 May 1936" "Agora:Deposit:D 11:1","","","","Agora","Well-shaft abandoned before use because of crumbling of rock.; From top to 15.00m. a dumped fill predominantly early Roman but containing material of late 1st c. B.C. to mid-1st c. A.D. A rock filled shaft below 15.00m.","","Well","Deposit","1st c. B.C. to mid-1st c. A.D.","","","D 11:1","10-30 March 1936; 1-25 April 1936" "Agora:Deposit:D 12:1","","","","Agora","Stratified well with POU first half of 1st c. - mid 3rd c. A.D. and dumped fills of 4th and 5th-6th c. A.D.; Finds from upper fills ""earth"": BI 315, L 2549.; Finds from lower fills ""earth"": BI 302, BI 316, L 2460, L 2498, L2499, ; L 2501, G 73, P 21113, T 1218","","Well","Deposit","1st to 3rd century and late 3rd to 6th century.","","","D 12:1","1 April-24 May 1936" "Agora:Deposit:D 16:1","","","","Agora","Cistern (diameter 0.90m) with two channels; the fill of the cistern proper, below the scant upper (Byzantine) deposit, appears to have been dumped all at the same time, to 325-275 B.C. Notebook says ""all one fill, late 4th c. B.C."", p. 1770.; See also: P 19227 (from south channel beyond well); SS 10345 & SS 10346 (south channel, packing for tile well); P 20472 (north channel).","","Cistern A","Deposit","325-275 B.C.","","","D 16:1","7-8 April 1948" "Agora:Deposit:D 17:1","","","","Agora","Displaced curbing stone had fallen into top of shaft; fill with and around it is presumably second half of 2nd c. A.D. Below tumbled filling at top, shaft was empty to 10.80m. Tiles were missing to ca. 1.60m.","","Well","Deposit","Late 1st-early 2nd c.","","","D 17:1","6-13 June 1949" "Agora:Deposit:D 18:1","","","","Agora","Late Roman, perhaps as late as 7th c., but excavator noted small amount of material made close dating impossible throughout. Nbpp. 2448-2449: The fill of this well throughout is mixed and there are numerous Late Hellenistic sherds even at the top...Because of the very small quantity of sherds...and the mixed character of the entire fill more accurate dating is impossible.","","Well","Deposit","Early to Late Roman","","","D 18:1","1-14 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:D 19:2","","","","Agora","Well on the lower west slope of the Areopagus. Tiled well. The tiles were carefully made and clamped together with lead, two clamps at each joint.; Several fills but apparently all 2nd c. Material in lowest 5.00m. Identified as use fill by numerous basket-handled water jars and whole pots.","","Well","Deposit","Late 2nd to early 1st c. B.C.","","","D 19:2","26 May-14 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:E 5:4","","","","Agora","Drain channel system along the line of an ancient north-south road, the channel in part at the surface and in part tunneled and accessible by shafts. Over a considerable part of this channel the hard water deposit at the bottom, belonging to the period of use, is consistently of the second and early third centuries, although coins of Gallienus in the upper part of the filling show that the channel was not abandoned before the time of the Heruli. The channel actually extends over a considerable area (E-F 5-6).; Objects from section ΚΚ channel F are not in this deposit (JH) and include P 7841, P 8530, P 8531, L 2404.","","Channel F, water deposit","Deposit","2nd-early 3rd c. A.D.","","","E 5:4","13-16 February 1937; 5-9 March 1937; 17-18 March 1937" "Agora:Deposit:E 14:1","","","","Agora","Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios.; ; Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the course of the passage to the east and opening into it. ; A revised list of assigned objects prepared by GRE is followed here to sort objects found in the cistern system 88/ΛΔ - 95/ΚΘ - 100/ΚΘ.; Cf. E 14:3 and E 15:3.; Objects either from 95/ΚΘ (middle fill) or 88/ΛΔ (lower Hellenistic fill), but uncertain which (they are in the finds lists of both but not assigned to subdivisions PAF) are the following: P 5655, P 5656, P 5657, P 5659, BI 154, S 574, L 1788, IL 193, SS 4091.; ; T 220 when opened in 1981 found to contain pottery chiefly of the 3rd c. A.D. - discarded.; T 221-225 sorted in 1997, SIR.; ; Twenty stamped amphora handles. Most of pottery dates in second half of 3rd c. but evidence of disturbance includes coins and Knidian handles, early Roman pottery, lamp, and glass, ""Pergamene"" ware and fragments of 18 long-petal bowls. Possibly disturbance comes from lower fill of drawshaft E 14:3, which extended down connecting towards E 14:1. One stamp for manufacrure of molds.","","Cistern","Deposit","Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C.; Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C.; Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.","","","E 14:1","22-31 May-3 June 1935" "Agora:Deposit:E 14:3","","","","Agora","Cistern-shaft at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios.; ; Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the course of the passage to the east and opening into it. ; A revised list of assigned objects prepared by GRE is followed here to sort objects found in the cistern system 88/ΛΔ - 95/ΚΘ - 100/ΚΘ.; Cf. E 14:1 and E 15:3.; Objects either from 95/ΚΘ (middle fill) or 88/ΛΔ (lower Hellenistic fill), but uncertain which (they are in the finds lists of both but not assigned to subdivisions PAF) are the following: P 5655, P 5656, P 5657, P 5659, BI 154, S 574, L 1788, IL 193, SS 4091.; ; Only middle fill contained moldmade relief bowls. Twenty stamped amphora handles. Over two-thirds of bowls long-petal.","","Drawshaft, ""Kybele Cistern""","Deposit","Upper fill, Late Roman with some Hellenistic.; Middle fill, Sullan debris to last quarter of 1st c. B.C.; Lower fill, 4th-3rd c. B.C.=POU and abandonment","","","E 14:3","9-22 May 1935; 1 June 1935" "Agora:Deposit:E 14:7","","","","Agora","Two periods of use.; Outside the SW corner of the market square, to the west of the north-south road; lower use of filling, of 1st to early 2nd c. A.D.","","Well C","Deposit","","","","E 14:7","10 -11 June 1935; 20 May-20 June 1937" "Agora:Deposit:E 15:5","","","","Agora","Digging abandoned at 17.10m.; Nbp. 2863: The fill in the mouth to -6.50 was a dump of mixed hellenistic and late roman sherds. From -6.50 to -11.00m. small stones with a few late roman sherds 4th-5th c. From -11m. the well deposit started and was very heavy and continuous to abandonment depth, 4th-5th c. A.D. pots and 4th c. coins. A third century phase was beginning to appear at time of abandonment.","","Well B","Deposit","4th-5th c. A.D.","","","E 15:5","17 May 1935; 20-31 May 1937; 1-2 June 1937" "Agora:Deposit:E 17:1","","",".1 Top to -2.50m. Byzantine-discarded.","Agora","Use filling of early to late 2nd c. A.D., and dumped filling of late 2nd c.","","Well","Deposit","POU 2nd c. A.D.","","","E 17:1","16-24 April 1948" "Agora:Deposit:E-F 2-3:1","","","","Agora","42-50/Ζ-ΙΑ: below uppermost Byz. Floor at level of top of railroad retaining wall (cf. also 50/Ι: from packing of floor).","","Fill","Deposit","Early Byzantine","","","E-F 2-3:1","24-26 March 1936" "Agora:Deposit:F 11:1","","","","Agora","Well cut through the floor of a cistern. Apparently a dumped fill in an unused well.","","Well","Deposit","1st-early 2nd c. A.D.","","","F 11:1","16-28 March 1934" "Agora:Deposit:F 15:2","","","","Agora","A cistern leading to the east of the road leading from the southwest corner of the market square. Filled all at one time, last quarter of 2nd. c. B.C. (nbp. 493).; ; Included are the Hellenistic finds from ""north cistern arm"" and ""south cistern arm"" as recorded from well 96/I: SS 2040, SS 2041, SS 2043, MC 73, I 1454, P 3143, P 3144. See Deposit E 15:7.; Thirteen Knidian stamped amphora handles.","","Cistern","Deposit","Late 2nd c. B.C.","","","F 15:2","23 February-12 March 1934" "Agora:Deposit:F 15:5","","","","Agora","Actually 1 meter into section Δ, the well lies under a filling of primarily Hellenistic date which had been thrown in as underpinning for the support of a 2nd c. A.D. Roman tile-mosaic floor.; POU is 15.80-16.35m.; ; Lot 51-54 : now in one tin [tenkes'.; Lot 55-57 : not found in 2007. Discarded in 1960s?","","Well","Deposit","First half of 1st c. A.D.","","","F 15:5","17-31 March 1934" "Agora:Deposit:F 16:2","","","","Agora","Nbp. 661: Dug in 1st c. Cleaned out almost to bottom shortly after the middle of the 3rd c. and used for a few years. During Herulian invasion of 267, Laughing Faun broken up and thrown in. Thereafter used at intervals until 5th c. when finally filled to the top.","","Well of the Laughing Faun","Deposit","1st-5th c. A.D., 2nd c. A.D.=POU","","","F 16:2","26 April-5 May 1932" "Agora:Deposit:F 17:1","","","","Agora","Furnace Dump from N. Hypocaust in Bath to East of Poros Building.","","North Hypocaust Furnace Dump","Deposit","Second half 3rd c.-first half 4th c. A.D.","","","F 17:1","26 March-16 April 1948" "Agora:Deposit:F 17:3","","","","Agora","Although separated by a sterile rocky fill the two use fillings are apparently one continuous accumulation (GRE).; Packing around well includes SS 14261, P 25943-P 25953. These are not given a subdivision and are dated to third quarter 4th c. B.C.","Agora:Image:1997.18.0089::/Agora/1997/1997.18/1997.18.0089.tif::656::845","Well","Deposit","350-300 B.C. to ca. 225 B.C.","","","F 17:3","11-25 May 1957" "Agora:Deposit:A 14:1","","","","Agora","Extract from notebook ΠΘ XIX, pp. 3644-3646. Well at 105/ΝΗ (report on sorting of pottery, July 19, 1951 - H.S. Robinson).; ""Not a useful well"" HSR.; ; Well dug to 1.50m., vi/9/36; dug from 1.50m. to bottom (22.80m.), iv/9/37 - iv/23/37. Cut in bed-rock (no tiles reported); diameter at mouth: 1.04m.; depth 22.80m.; The fill from bottom (22.80m.) to 22.25m. (container 9?) produced 2 type XXII lamps (L 2992-3) which R. Howland dated late 3rd to early 2nd cent. B.C. The latest coin was of Delos, after 166 B.C. (iv/23/37 #14). No sherds from this level were stored (p. 2735) but some were probably put in with basket 9, the final container from the well fill; cont. 9 could not be located when the pottery was sorted in 1951. (Container 8 - ca. 22.25m. - is predominantly hellenistic.); From 22.25m. to 21.30m. (containers 7-5) all pottery seems to be of the 1st cent. After Christ: practically no fine ware except P 21656 (ΠΘ 3373) and frags. of a grey-ware platter; type XVIII and XX lamps (L 2988-89); numerous amphorae, including frags. of two with high pointed handles (cf. P 11878) and of another with heavy rim such as those that occasionally have Latin stamps; BHWJ's. The coins are all Athenian New Style 229-30 B.C., or earlier. Numerous frags. of iron, some of which had been used in conjunction with wood (iron-bound bucket?) occurred in cont. 7-5, extending over into cont. 4 (now in Box no. 361-B).; The above fills, apparently of the 2nd cent. B.C. and the 1st cent. A.D. respectively, represent ""period of use' of the well. For perhaps two centuries thereafter the well must have been out of regular use; cont. 4 (ca. 21.30m.) probably dates from this period and contains predominantly pre-herulian wares: wheel-ridged mugs and pitchers, type XXVII lamp frag. Frags. of one jug with gouged branches (?) on the exterior. Containers 3-1 (ca. 21.00-20.20m.) represent a new period of use and appear to contain 4th cent. pottery: the late amphora P 10030 and another similar stored in tin no. 364; micaceous water jars shaped as P 14899 (one almost complete stored in tin no. 363); jugs as P 12824; gouged ware; XXVIII lamps (L 2985-7); jug in shape of boy's head (P 10004); very little fine ware; no coins. ; From 20.20m. to 1.50m. the fill contained very few sherds (some hellenistic) with frags. of tile, brick, plaster and mosaic flooring. One coin (iv/9/37 #1) of Constantine II (323-361 A.D.) suggests a late 4th cent. date for this destruction fill. The top 1.50m. of fill contained mixed sherds with some Byzantine.","Agora:Image:2008.03.0325::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0325.tif::3567::4080","Early Roman Well","Deposit","Early Roman; use fillings of 2nd. c. B.C. and 1st. and 4th. c. A.D.; dumped filling of late 4th. c. (HSR); Fill I: 2nd. c. B.C.; Fill II-V: to second half of 4th. c. A.D.; Fill VI: mixed to Byzantine.","","","A 14:1","9 June 1936; 9-23 April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:A 16:2","","","","Agora","Filling in eastern channel at W. end of casting pit A 16:1. Early Roman (1st c. A.D.) but with some later disturbances (3rd. and 4th. c. A.D. and Byz.).","Agora:Image:2002.04.0237::/Agora/2002/2002.04/2002.04.0237.jpg::2000::1312","Cistern Channel Fill","Deposit","1st. c. A.D.","","","A 16:2","April 1956" "Agora:Deposit:A 18:1","","","","Agora","Cistern in the valley between the Areopagus and the Hill of the Nymphs. Simple, flask-shaped chamber withdraw-shaft; no tunnels. Mouth cut away in Byzantine times. Lower filling, 3rd c. B.C.","Agora:Image:2009.01.0533::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0533.tif::2940::3728","Cistern Between Areopagus and Hill of the Nymphs","Deposit","","","","A 18:1","25-30 April 1947" "Agora:Deposit:A 21:1","","","","Agora","Shaft (= well + caves) at 116-118/ΚΕ-ΚΣΤ","","Shaft with caves","Deposit","2nd. quarter - mid-5th. c. A.D.","","","A 21:1","May-June 1939; 24 April 1940; July-August 1946" "Agora:Deposit:B 12:1","","","","Agora","Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios.","","Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","Deposit","50 B.C-3rd c. A.D.","","","B 12:1","23 March-20 May 1936; 5-16 May 1937" "Agora:Deposit:B 13:1","","","","Agora","Part of cistern system 76/ΝΖ-76/ΝΘ-81/ΝΘ on Kolonos Agoraios with lower dumped filling of 3rd. c. B.C. and upper dumped filling of first half of 1st. c. A.D.","","Chamber Cistern","Deposit","3rd. c. B.C.-1st. c. A.D.","","","B 13:1","1-8 June 1936" "Agora:Deposit:B 13:7","","","","Agora","Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios. Stratified deposit.","","Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","Deposit","3rd. c. B.C.-3rd. c. A.D.","","","B 13:7","20 May 1936-20 May 1937" "Agora:Deposit:B 14:1","","","","Agora","The well had two upper fills and a stratified deposit at the bottom. The well deposit is divided into two parts, 3rd. c. and 2nd. c. (with perhaps late 1st. c.).; dumped filling of 5th century.","","Well","Deposit","1st.-3rd. c. A.D.","","","B 14:1","29 May 1936; 30 March-15 May 1937" "Agora:Deposit:B 14:2","","","","Agora","Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios. Use filling of late 1st. to late 2nd. c. A.D.; dumped filling of 4th. c. A.D.","","Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","Deposit","1st.-4th c. A.D.","","","B 14:2","12 June 1936; 23 April 1937" "Agora:Deposit:B 14:3","","","","Agora","Cistern on the lower south slope of Kolonos Agoraios; dumped filling, second half of first century after Christ.","","Cistern on Lower South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios","Deposit","50-100 A.D.","","","B 14:3","9-12 June 1937" "Agora:Deposit:B 15:5","","","","Agora","South House, Room 12, over pebble mosaic floor. Herulian destruction debris in a house.","","Strosis","Deposit","","","","B 15:5","9 May 1956" "Agora:Deposit:B 17:1","","","","Agora","Herulian Debris in a house on the lower slopes of the Hill of the Nymphs: House P = South House; Room 2 = Dining Room; Room 3 = Kitchen; Room 18; Room 23; Room 24.","Agora:Image:2012.52.0422::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0422.jpg::1875::1473","Strosis","Deposit","Mid 3rd c. A.D.","","","B 17:1","8-11 August 1947; 17-22 March 1948; 4 May 1949; 26 March 1956; 2 April 1956" "Agora:Deposit:B 20:1","","","","Agora","Roman use fill in lowest 6.70m; Byz upper fill (dump).","","Well","Deposit","50-150 A.D. to Early Byz.","","","B 20:1","6 June-18 July 1946" "Agora:Deposit:B 21:1","","",".1 Top to ca. 1.00 5th-6th century dump.","Agora","Cistern in valley west of the Areopagus. Dumped filling of late 1st. to early 2nd. c. and of 5th to 6th century.","","Cistern","Deposit","1st.-2nd. c. A.D.","","","B 21:1","8 May 1939; 2-10 June 1939" "Agora:Deposit:B 22:4","","","","Agora","Cistern with two fills. Lower fill in cone on floor, with dumped upper fill above.","","Late Hellenistic Cistern in ΝΝ","Deposit","Late Hellenistic","","","B 22:4","27 April 1940; 14-21 May 1940" "Agora:Deposit:C 8:2","","","","Agora","Cistern System #1b: Shaft/manhole and gallery at 18-19/ΞΑ-ΞΓ. ; ; Objects divided between the two features, shaft and gallery, according to deposit notebook list, not according to remarks on cards.","","Manhole and Gallery","Deposit","Late 1st c. B.C.-early 1st c. A.D.","","","C 8:2","22 February-27 May 1936" "Agora:Deposit:C 9:16","","","","Agora","Well cut through cistern at 6/ΝΕ (C 9:7).; The stele I 3244 in position in the cistern over the mouth of the well is listed with the cistern deposit C 9:7.","","Well","Deposit","A.D. 1st","","","C 9:16","25 February-5 March 1936; 21-22 May 1936" "Agora:Deposit:C 12:1","","","","Agora","(Roman Group J). The upper fill to a depth of ca. 16.00m. was of earth scooped up elsewhere and thrown in... The latest piece noted from this fill was a TC fragment dated late 4th to 5th(?) c. BC. From 16.00m. to the bottom there was a heavy deposit of well pottery. The POU ca. 150-267 BC. (nbpp. 2358-2360)","","Well","Deposit","2nd.-3rd. c. A.D.","","","C 12:1","16 March-29 April 1936" "Agora:Deposit:C 13:1","","","","Agora","Late Roman mixed destruction fill.; ; The fill in both the staircase and the cistern chamber was the same mixed destruction fill containing a large quantity of Hellenistic pottery mixed in with late 3rd-early 4th c. A.D.","","Late Roman Cistern in ΠΘ","Deposit","4th. c. A.D.","","","C 13:1","20-28 April 1936" "Agora:Deposit:C 14:2","","","","Agora","According to the excavator "" a pre-herulian filling dumped in to fill the cistern some few years after the Herulian destruction"".","","Cistern","Deposit","A.D. 267 to mid 3rd c.","","","C 14:2","6-12 June 1936" "Agora:Deposit:C 15:2","","","","Agora","Filling over and in manhole of South West Drain.","","Fill over and in Manhole of South West Drain","Deposit","To mid-3rd c. A.D.","","","C 15:2","27-28 April 1948" "Agora:Deposit:C 17:1","","","","Agora","Great Drain fills, including ""packing over elliptical tiles"" and ""gravel fills"". The central drain area covered by the sections below; other sections are with other deposits.","","Fills","Deposit","1st c. A.D.","","","C 17:1","9 May 1947; 16 May 1947; 27 May 1947; 14-17 July 1947" "Agora:Deposit:C 17:3","","","","Agora","A tiled well with POU from 9.30-10.80m. and dumped fill above 9.30m. The dumped fill differs from lower fill only in the less frequent appearance of fragments of micaceous water jars and the occurrence of Roman D ware plate fragments and of large brick red amphorae with fluted handles.; Diameter 0.72m.","","Well","Deposit","3rd c. A.D. with destruction at 267 A.D.","","","C 17:3","28 April 1949; 2-10 May 1949" "Agora:Deposit:C 18:1","","","","Agora","POU 3.50-10.30m. dumped filling of 5th or 6th century.","","Well","Deposit","3rd-5th c. A.D.","","","C 18:1","31 March-10 May 1949" "Agora:Deposit:C 18:2","","","","Agora","Stratified well.","","Well","Deposit","Second half 1st-early 3rd c. A.D.","","","C 18:2","22-31 July 1947" "Agora:Deposit:C 18:3","","","","Agora","Deposit in the industrial area west of the Areopagus, underlying a Roman bath.","","Roman Bath - ""Compartment""","Deposit","Late 2nd c. B.C.","","","C 18:3","13-14 October 1947" "Agora:Deposit:C 19:12","","","","Agora","Tiled well (diameter 0.78, water level -3.50m) at 65/Κ (64/Κ) with poros wellhead. Built as early as 2nd c. Post-Herulian filling.; ; Tiled well, tiles 0.60m high.","","Well","Deposit","4th-5th c. A.D.","","","C 19:12","1-10 July 1947" "Agora:Deposit:G 8:1","","","","Agora","Well on Slopes of Kolonos, apparently with two periods of active service. The earlier dating from ca. the turn of the era well down into the 1st c. A.D. Probable that the well was never cleaned out in antiquity; it went out of use in the 1st c. A.D., began later use in Byzantine times and finally filled with earth and rubbish.; Two objects: BI 123 and L 1509 are from the Dump and are not given a subdivision.; The ownership and purpose of a well in this place invite speculation but to little purpose. The presence of the well is, however, good evidence against there having been any much used direct thoroughfare between the Agora and the precinct of the Theseion in late Greek times. But it is not impossible that the well was put out of use by the construction of a monumental stairway connecting the two areas as some time say late in the first or early in the second century of our era. To it may belong the blocks which still lie in situ to the north and east of the well, and with it may be contemporary the propylon between the SE corner of the Apollo temple and the Metroon.","","Well","Deposit","POU Early to second half 1st c. A.D.","","","G 8:1","12 February-25 March 1934" "Agora:Deposit:G 11:2","","","","Agora","May be of Hellenistic origin when cistern system went out of use. ; For a general note on the cistern see Nb. ΟΕ III, pp. 246 ff.; ; Objects from B 586 various depths (no subdivision): S 2324-S 2330, ; P 34894, P 34898.; Objects from the Dump (no subdivision): P 10775, P 34895.; Containers representing various depths (no subdivision): Β 586, 587.","","Well in Cistern to West of Tholos","Deposit","Late 2nd-early 6th c. A.D.","","","G 11:2","18 May-10 June 1937" "Agora:Deposit:H 15:3","","","","Agora","Pocket in cobble paving in road west of Fountain House.","","Pocket in Cobble Paving","Deposit","1st c. A.D.","","","H 15:3","1 April 1954" "Agora:Deposit:H-I 7-8:1","","","","Agora","Accumulated debris on the west side of the market square. ; Related layers added 1999/2000 (JWH), e.g. ""Gravelly layer above burning"", ""Clearing Classical floor"", ""Lowest level above bedrock"", ""Below burning"", etc.; ; Cf. Hesperia 2 (1933), p. 209.; ; Apparently the burnt layer runs through sections Α, ΟΕ and Ε as well. No finds are listed here from those sections, but cf. e.g. Nbp. Α 124.","","""Burnt Layer""","Deposit","First half of 5th c. A.D.","","","H-I 7-8:1","8 March 1933; 24 April 1933; 11-29 May 1933" "Agora:Deposit:H-I 12:1","","","","Agora","Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ).","","Burnt Layers","Deposit","Mid-3rd c. A.D.","","","H-I 12:1","1-9 June 1951 (Ζ); 8-9 July 1947 (Θ)" "Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14","","","","Agora","Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","","Middle Stoa Building Fill","Deposit","To ca. 180 B.C.","","","H-K 12-14",""