"dc-description","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","Id","dc-subject","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","Type","dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection","Icon" "Numerous fragments preserve less than half. Part of rim, wall and bottom, one handle and part of the other preserved. ; Flat rim, lug handles pierced. Band of dark glaze around rim, bottom and body.","","","Well Head","Agora:Object:A 2753","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Well Tiles","","A 2753","","Object","","20 April 1959","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.56.0098::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.0098.jpg::2048::1316" "From the neck of a large amphora. Part of foreleg; stippled, boat-shaped wing; long curly hair, and neck and chin of sphinx. Traces of filling ornaments above and below.; ; Buff clay. Brownish-black glaze, rather dull. Inside unglazed.","","","Amphora Fragment","Agora:Object:P 20233","","","P 20233","","Object","","24 June 1949","Agora","" "Two non-joining fragments preserve parts of rim and upper bowl. Slightly bulging wall; heavy rolled rim; oval cutout in wall for baby's legs. Glazed are: rim inside and out; a band below rim, a band at mid-wall. ; Fragment a) preserves beginning of seat on inside.; ; Pinkish-buff clay. Brown to black glaze, worn.; ; Cf. Agora VIII, no. 600 (7th c. B.C.).; Cf. Hesperia 17 (1948), pl. 65:2-3 (6th c. B.C.).","","","Commode Fragments","Agora:Object:P 31849","","","P 31849","","Object","","1937","Agora","Agora:Image:2007.01.2037::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.2037.tif::3309::2632" "Wall fragment of large closed vase.; ; Decoration, bottom up: maeander, three lines, zigzag, three lines, tooth maeander, three lines, zigzag, lines.; ; Red glaze.","","","Vessel Fragment","Agora:Object:P 25306","","","P 25306","","Object","","1935","Agora","" "Strap handle with fragment of broad rim. Lines down sides. Squid in center. Eyes and two feet incised. Purple on feet. Dot rosette.","","","Vessel Fragment","Agora:Object:P 25309","","","P 25309","","Object","","May 1934","Agora","" "One panel from a fenestrated stand. Broken top and bottom. Two spirals connected by triangles with stars in them. Running dog pattern at sides. ; ; Brown glaze; heavy fabric.","","","Openwork Stand Fragment","Agora:Object:P 25310","","","P 25310","","Object","","June 1935","Agora","" "Part of one handle attachment of an amphora(?). On white, flaky slip, a neck panel edged by bands. In panel, small concentric circles and part of a larger one. ; ; Micaceous orange to purple clay, dull black glaze.","","","Amphora Fragment","Agora:Object:P 25321","","","P 25321","","Object","","February-April 1932","Agora","" "Chian(?) hydria fragments:; a) Vertical handle attachment.; b) Horizontal handle and attachment. ; c) From near foot.; ; Traces of white slip and dull brown banded decoration. Ruddy micaceous clay. Other fragments from body.; ; ADDENDA: Frag. b is renamed P 665,d and Frag. c P 665,e","","","Hydria Fragments: Chian","Agora:Object:P 25322","","","P 25322","","Object","","February-April 1932","Agora","Agora:Image:2020.04.0259::/Agora/2020/2020.04/2020.04.0259.tif::2048::2048"