"dc-creator","dc-subject","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Redirect","Collection","Icon","dc-description","dc-title","Type","Id","Chronology" "","","M 12:1","","14-21 February 1935","","","Agora","Agora:Image:1997.20.0090::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0090.tif::1011::706","Mycenaean Grave.; One of the first Mycenaean burials found in the Agora. It consisted of a regular cist, carefully cut with vertical sides and a flat bottom, measuring 1.90m by 0.55m. There were apparently originally covering slabs, but these were missing. The grave had been disturbed in Roman tines and again by a Turkish bothros which cut into it. ; The skeleton was well preserved from the head to the pelvis, but the feet and lower legs were disarranged and the thigh bones apparently removed by the Romans. The skeleton lay on its back with the head turned to the left and the right arm flexed across the chest, the fingers clutching the left upper arm. The left arm was raised vertically toward the surface, and the hand had been cut off above the wrist and was found lying close to the right hand.","Cist Grave in","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:M 12:1","LH III (c. 1200)" "","","S 27:4","","10-15 June 1937","","","Agora","","Well V: Late Neolithic, West of Klepsydra.; Diameter at 2.00 (when first preserved), bottom ca. 0.75m. Water level ca -4.00m","Late Neolithic Well V in ΟΑ","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:S 27:4","Late Neolithic" "","","D 7:4","","4 May 1936","","","Agora","","Disturbed pit with a skull. Pottery discarded. Late context; more likely Turkish than Geometric.; See Hesperia 14 (1945), p. 303 for skull description.","Pit Grave","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:D 7:4","" "","","E 14:12","","19 April 1934; 24-25 April 1934","","","Agora","Agora:Image:1997.20.0024::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0024.tif::1024::663","Geometric Burial. Burial B in notebook. ; Overlay E 14:13. Skeleton lay on smoothed bedrock, head southward, arms folded on chest, hands below chin. Legs, cut off by later disturbance, probably bent, with raised knees.; No objects.","Disturbed inhumation","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:E 14:12","Late Geometric"