"dc-description","dc-creator","dc-date","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon","Type","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Id" "Packing under cobblestones 7 or 8 meters west of the Temple of Hephaistos. A similar filling found in a small hole in bedrock three or four meters north of the Temple. The high quality of the pottery from this deposit and the fact that some of it shows signs of burning has suggested that it might have come from a sanctuary destroyed by the Persians. But the presence in the filling of a number of ostraka from ostrakaphoria of the eighties indicates that some at east of the debris accumulated elsewhere and was brought in in connection with filling or leveling operations undertaken soon after the Persian defeat. ; ; Agora XXX: This deposit will have to be down-dated to 440 B.C. because of 231, which should be dated ca. 440 B.C. For a similar case, see Agora XXIII, p. 336, S 21:2.","","19-30 March 1936","Ca. 500-440 B.C.","D 7:2","","","Deposit","","Agora","Theseion 'Street' Deposit","","","Agora:Deposit:D 7:2" "Well under Poros Building Drain at 62/ΛΣΤ, west of the Areopagus. Digging abandoned at 6.10m due to a collapse of the soft bedrock at the west. Small amount of supplementary filling was added in the upper part of the well, probably when the cutting was bridged over to allow for the building of the Poros Drain.; ; Fill dated to ca. 520-480 B.C., top fill dated to mid-5th century B.C. in Agora XXX, represented by P 20867.","","19 May 1949; 21 June-2 July 1950","Ca. 520-480 B.C.","D 17:10","","","Deposit","","Agora","Well","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:10" "Unfinished well, south of the annex to the Poros Building, west of the Areopagus. The shaft was apparently never used as a well. The lower dumped filling contained a quantity of clean red clay, as if from an industrial establishment; also some marble chips and a scattering of pottery fragments. The single lamp is of a type which comes into use in the mid-4th c. B.C. Supplementary upper fillings appear contemporary with the lower fill, but some possibility of disturbance was noted by the excavator. Lower fills, third quarter of 4th c. B.C. Upper fills of same date, possibly disturbed. [therefore no subdivisions]","","28 April 1949; 3 May 1949; 7-20 May 1949","Ca. 350-325 B.C.","D 17:12","","","Deposit","","Agora","Well","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:12" "Rectangular shaft neighboring the well D 17:12. Dug only to a depth of 4.40m. and provided with two galleries or channels extending from it. Apparently never intended as a well. Refilled with the dug bedrock in which was a small quantity of Geometric to 5th c. B.C. pottery. A supplementary upper fill included a lamp of type in use in the third quarter of 4th c. B.C.","","2-5 May 1949","4th c. B.C.","D 17:15","","","Deposit","","Agora","Rectangular shaft","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:15" "Pithos in NW corner (room) of Poros Building.","","13 April 1947","Mid-4th c.?","D 17:16","","","Deposit","","Agora","Pithos","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:16" "Shallow pit in bedrock.","","17-21 October 1947","Second quarter 5th c. B.C.","D 17:17","","","Deposit","","Agora","Pit","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:17" "Well in the industrial area west of the Areopagus.; A flask-shaped cistern in House H with a dumped fill of the late fifth century brought from elsewhere and evidently deposited sometime in the 3rd c. B.C. Especially to be noted is the stamped Thasian amphora handle SS 9636, one of the earliest stamps recording names of officials.","","30 April-11 May 1940","Ca. 420-400 B.C.","D 19:1","","","Deposit","","Agora","Cistern in House H in ΝΝ","","","Agora:Deposit:D 19:1" "Two chambers connected by a tunnel, all filled at the same time, but with slight Hellenistic disturbance. Chamber A, to west at 14/ΛΗ, B to east at 14-15/ΛΒ on grid for section RR.; Cistern system ca. 20.00m. south of the south stylobate of the Hephaisteion. Basically a single dumped filling; the presence in the filling of a few later objects...possibly as late as the second half of the 3rd c., probably indicates a supplementary filling. Abandonment of cistern and source of contents probaby attributable to an undetermined event in the early part of the decade 310 B.C.; In the early 3rd c. B.C. very possibly ca. 277/6 (see Garden article), the southerly side of Kolonos, outside the Precinct Wall, was levelled off and the double cistern were cut down and filled p. 833.","","4-14 February 1936","Ca. 325-275 B.C.","D-E 8-9:1","","","Deposit","","Agora","Theseion Cisterns A and B (1936)","","","Agora:Deposit:D-E 8-9:1"