"Name","dc-date","dc-creator","Chronology","Redirect","dc-title","Type","dc-subject","Collection","dc-description","Icon","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Id" "B 936","8 May 1951","","","","Spear Point","Object","","Agora","The tip only preserved, with a heavy rib.","Agora:Image:2008.03.0113::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0113.tif::4229::2589","","","Agora:Object:B 936" "B 937","11 May 1951","","","","Dagger Fragment","Object","","Agora","Mended from eight pieces, badly corroded.; Tip, one cutting edge, one-third of hilt, and pommel missing.; Leaf-shaped, short slender proportions to judge by the width preserved from edge to edge below hilt. Very thin and flat, no trace of median rib.; Hilt had traces of wood now disappeared. Two of the three bronze rivets which attached thisare preserved; they are double headed an doriginally circular.; The cutting edges are still very sharp; the tip is broken straight across.","Agora:Image:2012.53.0686::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.0686.jpg::2048::1598","","","Agora:Object:B 937" "B 938","9 May 1951","","","","Two Arrowheads","Object","","Agora","a) Preserves the lip, body, and left barb complete;; b) Is lacking the tip and parts of both barbs.; Both are narrow, eongated, and flat, with pronounced and tapering barbs; no median rib.; a) is in good condition, still sharp, on points and edges;; b) more corroded.; Two scraps of bronze preserved with them and the tip of arrow in the side of skull no. 9, should be considered as belonging probably to b).; Three more arrowheads added later under this number -all associated with skull of Burial VIII","","","","Agora:Object:B 938" "ST 501","9 May 1951","","","","Two Arrow Heads","Object","","Agora","One barb of arrow head a), chipped.; Long and tapering, fairly thin; roughly flaked, but very sharp points. No tang; curved barbs; unpierced but with rounded socket for shaft. No trace of median rib.; The arrow head b), was found sticking point outwrads from above the jaw of one of the skeletons.; Obsidian.","","","","Agora:Object:ST 501" "ST 502","9 May 1951","","","","Two Arrow Heads","Object","","Agora","Almost identical in dimension and proportion. Both intact.; Wider in proportion to lengh than ST 501, with sharply tapering points and curved barbs. No tang, short barbs.; Suggestion of median rib, but may be due to roughness of flaking.; Arrow head b), especially thin and light.; Obsidian.","","","","Agora:Object:ST 502" "P 21277","9 May 1951","","","","Alabastron Fragments","Object","","Agora","Most of the upper part preserved and pieces of wall; much mended and very badly worn. Narrow neck, high rising rim; tall and fairly straight-sided body. Decoration visible only on a): lip glazed inside and out; below, three bands.; ; Pinlk porous clay, red glaze; surface extremely worn and powdery.","","","","Agora:Object:P 21277" "P 21278","9, 18, 31 May 1951","","LH III C","","Krater Fragments","Object","","Agora","Three pieces from a large open bowl, straight-sided and with vertical band handle from rim. ; a) Part of the wall and out-turned rim, with the start of the broad flat handle.; b) Fragment from the handle.; c) Mended from two pieces, a little of the lower wall. ; The rim glazed; on the handle a wavy stripe between vertical bands. On the wall, large stylized motif (vestigial horned altar of consecration?). ; ; Buff clay with creamy slip; red glaze.","Agora:Image:2023.01.0024::/Agora/2023/2023.01/2023.01.0024.tif::5776::2736","","","Agora:Object:P 21278"