"dc-description","Icon","dc-date","Redirect","dc-subject","Chronology","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Name","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-creator","Id" "Squat type with small neck and bulging sides, the greatest width near the bottom. Mended from many pieces; one small horizontal handle preserved and wall from the start of the neck to beyond the inward curve at the bottom. Round neck and lower part of vase, plain bands of paint; spirals on the broad shoulder between. ; ; Orange-pink clay, buff at core; fine cream slip, lustrous paint.","Agora:Image:2012.22.0048::/Agora/2012/2012.22/2012.22.0048.jpg::2048::1700","9 May 1933","","","","","Object","Agora","P 1977","","Alabastron Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 1977" "Mended from two pieces; the lower attachment of a vertical handle is preserved. Where the neck joins the shoulder a small ridge, and a band of black paint; imbricated pattern below. Black paint on the inside of the neck. ; ; Pale greenish-buff clay and slip; rather dull black paint, in part worn off.; ; ADDENDA Agora Sample no. 313.","","9 May 1933","","","","","Object","Agora","P 1978","","Vessel Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 1978" "Similar to P 1977. Attachment of one horizontal handle preserved. On either side of it, dots. Above and below, narrow bands; around the point of greatest circumference, a broader band with a wavy upper edge. ; ; Pinkish-buff clay, cream slip; red paint lustrous but worn.","","15 May 1933","","","","","Object","Agora","P 1982","","Alabastron Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 1982" "Nearly half of a very low ring base preserved; above it the sides flare sharply. Mended from several fragments. At the bottom, a broad and a narrow painted band; above, a group of three narrow bands; at the top of the fragment, traces of another band. ; ; Cream slip; red paint slightly lustrous.; ; ADDENDA Agora Sample no. 315.","","15 May 1933","","","","","Object","Agora","P 1983","","Vessel Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 1983" "Mended from many pieces; a small part of the neck preserved with about one-quarter of the swelling body; none of the base. Three bands of paint around the bottom, three at the point of greatest circumference and one where the neck joins the body. Degenerate octopus on shoulder. Around the lip, a broad band, extending for ca. 0.006m. on the inside. Traces of a handle attachment at the right of the fragment. ; ; Slightly lustrous paint, brown on neck and shoulder, red below. Pink clay; cream slip carried inside for the depth of the neck.; ; ADDENDA Agora Sample no. 361 [May 1976].","Agora:Drawing:DA 10617::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/10000-10999/DA 10617.jpg::0::0","15 May 1933","","","","","Object","Agora","P 1984","","Vessel Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 1984"