"Id","dc-date","dc-description","dc-title","Chronology","dc-subject","dc-creator","Icon","Collection","dc-publisher","Redirect","Name","Type","UserLevel" "Agora:Object:I 4090","a) (Ν 593) 30 April 1936; b) (Υ 24) 15 December 1936","Inscribed fragments.; Property of Athena (?).; ; Fragment ΝΝ 593 a), inscribed face, left face, and back preserved; broken at right, top, and bottom. The back surface is in two plains, the lower part rough picked, the upper polished, projecting.; There is also a narrow projecting band along the front edge of the left face.; Attic alphabet, archaistic.; Three lines of the inscription preserved.; ; Fragment Υ 24 b), smoothed back preserved; otherwise broken.; Two lines of the inscription preserved.; Pentelic marble.","Boundary Stone Fragments","","","","","Agora","","","I 4090","Object","" "Agora:Object:I 7039","27 July 1967","Inscribed Agora boundary stone.; Top worn smooth by traffic. Corners broken.; Inscription written retrograde across top and along left side. Inscription does not cover corners, a fact perhaps indicating that corners were broken before inscription was carved.; Stone rough picked except for strip under writting and along right side.; Fine-grained marble, off white.","Boundary Stone","","","","Agora:Image:2008.01.0075::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0075.tif::2092::4080","Agora","","","I 7039","Object","" "Agora:Object:I 5510","27 February 1938","Inscribed boundary stone of Agora.; The corners of its upper are much rubbed. All surfaces were roughly picked. ; On the broad face that looks norheast, a band was smoothed with a toothed chisel across the top and down the right side to receive the inscription.; One line of the inscription preserved, around top and right side of stone.; Coarse-grained white marble, with bluish streaks.","Boundary Stone","","","","Agora:Image:2008.18.0298::/Agora/2008/2008.18/2008.18.0298.tif::1567::2953","Agora","","","I 5510","Object","" "Agora:Object:I 5675","22 February 1939","Inscribed fragment of Horos stone; boundary stone of the Agora.; Smooth picked except for a band on the face. Top much worn.; Inscribed along top (missing) and side.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Same style as I 5510.; Cf. Hesperia Suppl. 5 (1941), p. 5, fig. 1 (grave 33).","Boundary Stone Fragment","","","","Agora:Image:2012.50.0805::/Agora/2012/2012.50/2012.50.0805.jpg::2048::1448","Agora","","","I 5675","Object",""