"dc-creator","Collection","dc-subject","Type","dc-date","dc-description","Icon","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","Id","dc-title" "","Agora","","Object","14 May 1938","Feet and one of knobs on body missing.; The animal's quills are indicated by small rectangular knobs. Attached to his back and sides are nine (originally ten) roughly hemispherical knobs, six of them with a deep groove across the top, others with a small deep hole.; Remains of dull black wash on the animal; of yellow on some of the knobs.","Agora:Image:2007.01.3409::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.3409.tif::3337::2700","","","","T 1731","","Agora:Object:T 1731","Hedgehog Figurine" "","Agora","","Object","23 May 1938","Several joining fragments preserved most of the face of a nearly-life-sized tragic mask. ; Long curls hang at the sides; large holes for the eyes; nostrils pierced; mouth very small. Also three other fragments from hair and triangular (?) headdress.; Unglazed.; Red clay.; ; ADDENDA: Restored in plaster.","Agora:Image:2012.03.3063::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.3063.tif::2912::3555","","","","T 1818","","Agora:Object:T 1818","Mask" "","Agora","","Object","23 May 1938","Nozzle broken away.; A crouching negro boy wearing a hooded cloak, the cloak thrown over his shoulder. High oval base; filling hole behind head; hood pierced to serve as handle.; Red glaze, rather flaked.; Buff clay.","","","","","L 3457","","Agora:Object:L 3457","Plastic Lamp" "","Agora","","Object","23 May 1938","Feet and base missing; also handle on top of head.; Nude crouching figure wearing a high pointed hood; hands under chin; curls falling to shoulders.; Dull red glaze, rather flaked.; Buff clay.","Agora:Image:2012.26.0380::/Agora/2012/2012.26/2012.26.0380.jpg::2048::1502","","","","L 3458","","Agora:Object:L 3458","Plastic Lamp" "","Agora","","Object","23 May 1938","Broken in two pieces; complete save minor fractures.; A draped figure standing on a high round base, and holding in front of it two bunches of grapes and other fruit. A straight cloak envelops the figure except for the legs from above the knees. Curls around face, and a broad braid across top of head. Small knob-handle at back; filling hole above.; Remains of dull red wash.; Red clay.; ; Cf. Corinth IV, p. 89, no. 535, pl. 85, fig. 43.","Agora:Image:2012.54.0507::/Agora/2012/2012.54/2012.54.0507.jpg::1600::2048","","","","L 3459","","Agora:Object:L 3459","Plastic Lamp" "","Agora","","Object","23 May 1938","Broken all around. The head and one side preserved, and a fragment of the other, with filling hole on base.; A bear standing on a base; animals and vegetable ornament in relief on the base. Pierced handle at middle of back. Fur indicated by small gouges.; Dull red to brown wash.; Light red clay.","","","","","L 3460","","Agora:Object:L 3460","Plastic Lamp" "","Agora","","Object","27 May 1938","Intact save minor chips.; Sunken discus with head, full front. On rim, three lugs; at its inner edge a raised ridge around the discus. No handle. Deep body with nearly straight sides; long nozzle, rounded at end; a deep groove along the throat.; Reverse, very low foot composed of two circular grooves and ridges.; Glaze red to blackish; flaky.; Reddish clay.; ; Type XXVI of Corinth collection.","","","","","L 3464","","Agora:Object:L 3464","Lamp" "","Agora","","Object","13 May 1938","Most of saucer-shaped mouth and narrow neck preserved; also start of shoulder and stub of handle. Ring around neck at upper handle attachment. From a round-bodied jug, such as P 3992 (Α 402).; ; Incised on lower part of neck at front: ; ; Firm rather dull black glaze.; ; Cf. Agora XII, no. 1108.","Agora:Image:2012.27.0086::/Agora/2012/2012.27/2012.27.0086.jpg::2048::1406","","","","P 12702","","Agora:Object:P 12702","Black Glaze Jug Fragment with Graffito"