"Chronology","dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-date","Name","dc-creator","Redirect","Type","Collection","dc-subject","dc-title","Id","UserLevel" "","Adjacent to the SW face of Byzantine Wall 14. The circular cutting, 0.90m in diameter, appeared at 53.504m under a layer of loose rubble (Lot 481). Wall of the well roughly built, consisting at the top of several courses of large tiles (placed horizontally) and flat stones, including marble blocks. Lower down, from 52.621m, large segments of terracotta well lining tiles are interspersed with other building materials. These lining segments are probably reused: one has a cutout triangular foothold; other have cutout rectangular footholds; one is marked with π incised twice. Most are broken; a complete segment measures 0.39 by 0.65m.","","Agora:Image:2011.15.0008::/Agora/2011/2011.15/2011.15.0008.tif::3816::2886","11-19 July 2006; 24 June-21 July 2009","L 2:2","Anne McCabe","","Deposit","Agora","a) rubbly fill (Lot 482)","Well","Agora:Deposit:L 2:2","" "","South end of Byzantine Room J, adjacent to Pithos B and under St. Philip's st scarp. Built lining at the E and N side, roughly constructed of some large square blocks and slabs, smaller field stones of different sizes and shapes, reused tile, and broken segments of terracotta well lining. At the W side, there is an area which does not seem to have a built lining. The shape is irregular, with a diameter of ca. 0.8m.","","Agora:Image:2008.15.0002::/Agora/2008/2008.15/2008.15.0002.jpg::4368::2912","21 July-3 August 2006; 2011; 28 June 2012-16 July 2012","M 2:1","Johanna Hobratschk","","Deposit","Agora","2006","Well in Byzantine Room J.","Agora:Deposit:M 2:1",""