"dc-title","dc-creator","Id","Collection","Name","UserLevel","dc-publisher","Type","Chronology","dc-subject","Icon","dc-date","dc-description","Redirect" "","","Corinth:Monument:Odeion","Corinth","Odeion","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Theater District | Odeion","Corinth:Image:digital 2014 0888::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2014 season photos/2014_0888.jpg::0::0","","The Roman Odeion of Ancient Corinth was a small, indoor theatre intended for musical events and rhetorical competitions. It consisted of a semicircular orchestra surrounded by seating, a stage building, and two roofed parodoi. It is reckoned to have held an audience of about 3,000. Built in the 1st century A.D., it was remodelled in the mid-2nd century A.D., perhaps with money provided by the famous philanthropist Herodes Atticus. A courtyard surrounded by stoas was constructed to the north of the stage building, connecting the Odeion with the theatre and presenting the two buildings as a unified complex. In the third building phase (c. A.D. 225), a fire destroyed the north peristyle and part of the stage building. The Odeion was converted into a gladiatorial arena by cutting back the lowest eight rows of Orchestra seating. The stage building fell into disuse. The Odeion was finally destroyed and completely abandoned at the end of the 4th century A.D.","" "","","Agora:Monument:Odeion","Agora","Odeion","","","Monument","Late 1st B.C.","Site | By Area | Central | Odeion","Agora:Image:2008.20.0068::/Agora/2008/2008.20/2008.20.0068.tif::2665::1546","","Assembly, Entertainment","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old Museum","Corinth","Old Museum","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Lechaion Road Area | Old Museum","Corinth:Image:bw 0000aa::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/0001-0999/000A_sh.jpg::1800::1370","","This is the first museum bought by the American School of Classical Studies to house the finds of the excavations. It now serves as storage for artifacts.","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old_Ancient Corinth, East","Corinth","Old_Ancient Corinth, East","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Old_Ancient Corinth, East","","","","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old_Ancient Corinth, East of","Corinth","Old_Ancient Corinth, East of","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Old_Ancient Corinth, East of","","","","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old_Ancient Corinth, North","Corinth","Old_Ancient Corinth, North","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Old_Ancient Corinth, North","","","","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old_Ancient Corinth, West","Corinth","Old_Ancient Corinth, West","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Old_Ancient Corinth, West","","","","" "","","Corinth:Monument:Old_Bema, Schola","Corinth","Old_Bema, Schola","","","Monument","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Forum | Central Shops | Bema | Old_Bema, Schola","Corinth:Drawing:023 007::/Corinth/Architectural_Plans/023_Bema_Schola/023_007.jpg::0::0","","Structures on either side of the Bema.",""