"Redirect","dc-description","Icon","dc-date","dc-subject","Chronology","Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Name","Collection","Id","dc-creator","dc-title" "","Civic Offices, North Pit, Room 1. Filling mixed to Hellenistic; some archaic material.","","16-17 March 1953","","Prehistoric- 6th c. B.C.- Hellenistic.","Deposit","","","I 12:2","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 12:2","","North Pit" "","Pyre in Horos Terrace Trench, East end, set into Strosis 5. ; In room 1 (court), near north wall. Concentration in stratum, no pit discerned; described as a ""little nest of pots"" within layer V (Lot ΜΣ 115), which overlay the hard strosis 5, the uppermost preserved floor of the house. Very fragmentary pyre material was found both above and below the hard floor (Lot ΜΣ 130, Lot ΜΣ 132), as well as in other floors, suggesting that pyres had been buried repeatedly here.; The pyre postdates the second phase of the house and may be associated with its abandonment. No evidence of burning or bone was recorded.","Agora:Image:2007.04.0027::/Agora/2007/2007.04/2007.04.0027.tif::3040::2008","8 April 1953","","350-325 B.C.","Deposit","","","I 12:3","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 12:3","","Pyre in Horos Terrace Trench, West End, Set in Strosis 5" "","Well beneath 4th c. Klepsydra Drain, within foundations of west end of the Middle Stoa. Diameter 0.90m, cut through bedrock, with handholes on sides. Top 4.50m. dumped fill; 4.50-6.15m. period of use.","","15-18 July 1968","","Mid-8th c. B.C.","Deposit","","","I 13:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 13:1","","Geometric Well beneath 4th c. Klepsydra Drain" "","Backfill of demolition of Great Monument beneath Middle Stoa.; [Soft pit below Layer II of south aisle (=fill of early ""Great Drain"")]","","22-23 June 1965","","Early 4th c. B.C.","Deposit","","","I 13:2","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 13:2","","Backfill of Demolition of Great Monument beneath Middle Stoa" "","Crosscut between Middle stoa Piers 1 and 2 from west (south aisle), layer II.; Chiefly late 5th to mid-4th c. B.C.","","24 June-2 July 1965","","Late 5th to mid-4th c. B.C.","Deposit","","","I 13:3","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 13:3","","Cut between Middle Stoa Piers 1 and 2 from West" "","Located in Middle Stoa, west, south aisle, beneath pressure pipe (cf. A 4900). The siting of the well is remarkable in its proximity to Well I 13:3, also Geometric in date, which was found in 1968 only some 1.70m to the northwest (under the Klepsydra Drain).; Diameter of just over 0.80m. with handholds cut into the west and east sides of the shaft at meter-long intervals all the way down.; The filling coincided with, or soon followed, the destruction of a nearby cemetery of cremation burials.","Agora:Image:2012.82.1481::/Agora/2012/2012.82/2012.82.1481.jpg::2048::1356","10-23 July 1996; 1997 (Lot ΜΣ 516)","i) Initial fill, 0.27m deep, nothing catalogued.","Second half of 8th c B.C.","Deposit","","","I 13:4","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 13:4","","Geometric Well in Middle Stoa" "","Burial disturbed. Located in Middle Stoa, north aisle, ""upper trench"", piers 3 and 4. Two individuals: small child (ca. 5 yrs. old) and adult female.; In its disturbed state the burial was found (at elevation -57.58m E to -57.52 W), resting against the cut scarp of the bedrock in a pocket 0.65m deep and 0.70m across; evidently, it was originally covered by a mass of cobblestones. The burial has been heavily disturbed in the 7th c. B.C., when a quantity of Proto-Attic and Early Protocorinthian pottery was dumped into the feature. Either at this date or during a later disturbance, the grave ""cairn"" was leveled, with the cobblestones strewn downward over the earthen slope of the bedrock escarpment.","","18-24 June 1997","","First half of 7th c. B.C.","Deposit","","","I 13:5","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 13:5","","Late Geometric Burial" "","Near the SW corner of the market square beneath the north part of the Heliaia (?). ; No clear distinction in the filling, either of date or of character, could be observed but the presence of a number of water jars of various sorts, many of them from the lower levels, suggests that the well was in fact used. (Deposit notebook)","","16 March-5 April 1934","","Ca. 625-570 B.C.","Deposit","","","I 14:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:I 14:1","","Well"