[Corinth Lot] LOT 5704: LT: Building M:16-17, Room 3, general fill over it

Thrown after further study Original stratum: LT: Cuts 1:1968, 2:1968, layers III-IV ... Cuts 1:1968, 2:1968, layers III-IV

[Corinth Lot] LOT 5615: LT: Roman fill over Building M-N:19, surface layers

Thrown after study Original stratum: LT: Roman Terrace, top layers in clearing east of wall 96 Temp Lot Number: 540 ... LT: Roman fill over Building M-N:19, surface layers

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3212: LT: Fill against north side of Roman Propylon N-P:19-20

Probably irrelevant since foundation Roman Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma: cut 6:1965: north of wall 69, test trench, stratum IV, -1.00 to 1.10 m. below ground level ... LT: Fill against north side of Roman Propylon N-P:19-20

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2051: LT: general fill east of Building N-O:25-26

Lot 2051 covered a multiplicity of fills but its latest date probably useful (NB) Original stratum: LT: Area east of wall 23, from 0.15 below top of wall 13 to 0.40 m below top of wall 23 Temp Lot Number: ... NB279 B2 P104 ... NB279 B3 P136 ... NB279 B4 P106