
[Corinth Monument] Punic Amphora Building

The Punic Amphora Building was a commercial establishment located near a busy intersection of three roads. Dating to the mid-5th century B.C., the building contained many tons of fragments of transport ... Punic Amphora Building

[Corinth Basket] Forum southwest, Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second: Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second

Deposit Lot 1978-093 Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second poros floor ... 1978/05/09;1978/06/16 ... Punic Amphora Building Pottery fill under second poros floor

[Corinth Basket] Old_Early Excavations ?, Found in Old Museum, amphora storage, without a nu: Found in Old Museum, amphora storage, without a nu

Deposit Found in Old Museum, amphora storage, without a number. Reinventoried 1996 ... Old_Early Excavations ?, Found in Old Museum, amphora storage, without a nu

[Corinth Basket] South Stoa, Fill in well in Shop X. Note: amphora was uninvent: Fill in well in Shop X. Note: amphora was uninvent

Deposit Fill in well in Shop X. Note: amphora was uninventoried in OM, with Shop X written in pencil. Inv. 1996 ... 1934/05/18;1947/02/05 ... Fill in well in Shop X. Note: amphora was uninventoried in OM, with Shop X