
[Agora Drawing] DA 12235

Types of drinking cups found in Agora pyres. 1: P 2290; 2: P 19049; 3: P 29200; 4: P 16138; 5: P 28744; 6: P 6373; 7: P 17694; 8: P 13530; 9: P 20141; 10: P 18571; 11: P 16732; 12: P 18542; 13: P 18539; ... Anne Hooton Susan I. Rotroff ... 2013


[Agora Deposit] M 21:1: Komos Cistern

Komos Cistern at 66/Κ, on the north slope of the Areopagus. Homogeneous fill. Thirty-four stamped amphora handles. Eight Histiaian tetrobols, dating 170-160 at the earliest, found near top, possibly an ... Last quarter of 3rd c. B.C.-Early 2nd century B.C.


[Agora Deposit] R 18:1: Pyre

Small pit (in Layer I) = Grave ("Pyre") Identified as pyre by SIR. Pottery and burning ("pit filled with black") in pit slightly west of Panathenaic Road, dug into layer I (lot AA 180, much earlier 6th ... 275-250 B.C.


[Agora Image] 2012.78.0226 (91-19-14)

Black Glaze Skyphos Fragment: West Slope ... AMS Horizontal (normal)