
[Agora Image] 2012.34.0690 (Section Ζ 462)

West of Stoa Terrace Wall. Wall cleaned from north. x…x = Crosswall of Stoa Terrace Wall. Note Stone Drain above and its course east of the crosswall ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.34.0691 (Section Ζ 463)

House D, Strosis by wall A, from north ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.34.0692 (Section Ζ 464)

House D: Scraps of walls: House D (x…x). East wall of Early Building Period II, from west ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.34.0693 (Section Ζ 465)

House D: small wall and Stroseis I-II, from east ... AMS Horizontal (normal)