[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 8 10.2307_146450 10.2307_146451 10.2307_146452 10.2307_146453 10.2307_146454 10.2307_146493 10.2307_146494 10.2307_146495 10.2307_146496 10.2307_146585 10.2307_146586 10.2307_146587 10.2307_146588 ... 1939


[Agora Publication] Pottery of the Roman Period: Chronology

Robinson, H. S ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... A group of closed deposits, ranging in date from the 1st century B.C. to the early 7th century A.D., provide evidence for the relative and absolute chronology of pottery used during many centuries of Roman ... 1959


[Agora Publication] Terracottas and Plastic Lamps of the Roman Period

Grandjouan, C ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The volume contains a short introduction, a classification by types, a critical catalogue, a register of the dated contexts, concordances and indexes, and an excursus by T. B. L. Webster on the theatrical ... 1961


[Agora Publication] Miniature Sculpture from the Athenian Agora

Thompson, D. B ... The American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Small sculptured figures of humans and animals have been found all over the Agora, ranging in date from the earliest occupation of Athens to the end of the Late Roman period. This booklet presents a representative ... 1959